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Animal Cruelty - Kitten Killer

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just this minute read the article below. If you have not read it, be warned, it details the death of two kittens at the hands of a very sick individual.




How can people do this to animals?!!


Someone should give these idiots are serious kicking.

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The kittens pupils are fully dilated through fear...sigh.


I'm with Medusa on this. I didn't/couldn't go to the youtube link but my guess is it has a high hit count. As long as there's a need to watch there'll be those who feed the need.


A very sick world, and humans are right up there at the top of the chain.

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It is hardly surprising this person has done this when you stop to think about the upbringing that they will have had. It is a cycle. Chances are, if this person has kids, they will go on to do that sort of thing too, and much much more. We automatically blame the 'adults', and, while I agree that this is sick-inducing, and that there is no EXCUSE for this behaviour, there is ALWAYS a REASON for it. Their childhoods.

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