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Unemployed council tenants could lose their home

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They don't need to build new houses, I am watching ch4 now all about houses all over the country that are empty because councils have run out of money when redeveloping areas. Eighty eight percent of empty homes are privately owned but there are thousands of council houses laying empty that could be renovated.


They would still need to employ people & spend money to renovate those homes. In some cases it might be cheaper to demolish them & rebuild better homes.


Nothing like that seems to be happening though, instead they're paying private landlords ever increasing amounts of housing benefit.


A lot of houses were demolished under the previous government, the rebuilding has stopped, that is why a lot of our council estates in Sheffield have big empty fields in the middle. I remember when those fields were all houses.

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They would still need to employ people to renovate those homes. In some cases it might be cheaper to demolish them & rebuild better homes.


Nothing like that seems to be happening though, instead they're paying private landlords ever increasing amounts of housing benefit.


It has said that some of the houses would cost £220,000 to build new but could be renovated for less than half that price. In fact it just said Liverpool council have now found £2million to renovate houses they were going to demolish.

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They would still need to employ people & spend money to renovate those homes. In some cases it might be cheaper to demolish them & rebuild better homes.

Isn't it about time that they found another far less expensive way of building houses than the antiquated way, these in Cyprus can be built for less an much quicker than the conventional type plus alterations during construction are usualy done with the use a socket and ratchet spanner.


Kind of makes you think what could have been achieved had our once great steel industry been more foreward thinking.

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Spot on, it's just meaningless propaganda to try to appease daily mail readers.


If they do actually try it (they wont/can't), then it will cost the council more money to put these people up in B&Bs instead.


The council aren't obliged to house those who become intentionally homeless, which would cover people who lost their tenancy like this.

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Would you rather see your 'mate' homeless & begging on the streets? Do you think that would make him more attractive to potential employers? There aren't enough jobs for everybody due to the lack of available credit for private sector firms & government cutbacks in the public sector. It's been like that since about 2006.


If more council houses were built the council wouldn't need to pay so many private landlords. More people would be employed building them, they could then spend their wages with other businesses who in turn provide more jobs. Instead the government are doing the opposite, putting more people out of work, which in turn puts even more people out of work at the places where they would've spent their wages.



your funny both of these were living quite comfortably with their parents , neither of them are looking for work iv known them long enough to see this, and what does 'mate' mean they are both very good friends i was just putting the scenario across to be honest it bugs me i told him it was crazy because i work or normally work and have struggled to get help when i went out of work

im not falling out with them for this for gods sake its just something i think is off its head

and dont give me not enough jobs bull**** because it simply isnt true, yes its harder but in 2006 i was earning 1000 a week i went away and came back this year and have worked for most of this year and im in one of the ares where the work is supposed to be slack

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Just another attack on the poor,makes me ashamed to be British .

Amazing, the government allows foreign firms to assett strip.


It allows UK firms to move work abroad (higher profit not cheaper products).


All this puts more people on the dole so benefits have to be paid.


We then import our products back into this country with more profit going abroad.


And then the master stroke, they raise the retirement age, making workers work for longer in jobs that no longer exist because they went went abroad.

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Do you really have to swear?




This is what the lefties can't grasp.

To them, it's all about getting what you can out of anyone you can intimidate into giving you and inch you they can steal a mile.


They have no clue about the concept of working for a living.


The houses belong to the council, they have every right to get rid of the lazy so people with a wish to work can have homes.


Do you really have to quote it?


Most extreme righties don't work either, most of your treasured Gleadless EDL specimens are always long term unemployed.

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