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Unemployed council tenants could lose their home

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Nothing like a bit of hyperbole is there. When you actually look at what has been said it's much less dramatic.


No you're wrong as usual, its the real agenda and what actually will happen you need to look at, not the twist a obvious bent council puts on it.

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My only hope is that when the Nazis on here get what they want (IE no benefits for anyone) it's THEM who have to put up with the crime which comes with it.


I work and I pay taxes, however I have been stolen from in the past (more than a few times) I would rather help keep these people than have them steal from me.


All thats going to happen is that they will get more desperate as their income is eroded, and steal more, this along with cuts in policing (not that there is much anyway) is going to turn the country into a ghetto....


Infact I'd say parts of Sheffield already are Ghettos...



Watch out Nazi's ......... they will be visiting you soon.

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The government seek to change the definition of 'homeless'

Wandsworth Council runs Britain? :huh:



Not quite right....


Housing spokesman Councillor Paul Ellis said: "In return we expect them to take up these opportunities. People who refuse to meaningfully look for work without good reason will forfeit their right to a council home.

Please do not bring this thread down to the level of factual accuracy.


We don't need your kind on here.



Inevitably they all get tared with the same brush

Evidence? Links?

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But conrod, what about people for whom their culture means they need to have large familys?

Care to list a few such cultures?


In poorer countries people have a lot of children to take care of them in their old age. If they live in the UK, they have pensions, the NHS and the welfare state.


Not quite the same.


And there's certainly no reason why they can't have as many children as they want.


Just no reason why I should pay for it.

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My only hope is that when the Nazis on here get what they want (IE no benefits for anyone)

I hate to burst your bubble with anything as pernickety as facts, but the Nazis had a well-developed benefits system.


Hitler's Handouts

Inside the Nazis' welfare state


[Götz] Aly, a historian at the Fritz Bauer Institut in Frankfurt and the author of more than a dozen books on fascism, urges us to follow the money, arguing that the Nazis maintained popular support—a necessary precondition for the “final solution”—not because of terror or ideological affinity but through a simple system of “plunder,” “bribery,” and a generous welfare state.


Using a farrago of previously unpublished statistics, Aly describes in detail a social system larded with benefits —open only to Aryan comrades, naturally. To “achieve a truly socialist division of personal assets,” he writes, Hitler implemented a variety of interventionist economic policies, including price and rent controls, exorbitant corporate taxes, frequent “polemics against landlords,” subsidies to German farmers as protection “against the vagaries of weather and the world market,” and harsh taxes on capital gains, which Hitler himself had denounced as “effortless income.”


Aly demonstrates convincingly that Nazi “domestic policies were remarkably friendly toward the German lower classes, soaking the wealthy and redistributing the burdens of wartime.”


Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State, by Götz Aly. New York: Metropolitan Books, 448 pages, $32.50 [Amazon link]



"Soaking the wealthy", isn't that what some on here are calling for now?

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No you're wrong as usual, its the real agenda and what actually will happen you need to look at, not the twist a obvious bent council puts on it.


You mean you're going to ignore what was said, make up your own interpretation and then pretend that you know the secret truth that hasn't been published? Are you a conspiracy theorist in your spare time?

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You mean you're going to ignore what was said, make up your own interpretation and then pretend that you know the secret truth that hasn't been published? Are you a conspiracy theorist in your spare time?


As stated I do know how Wandsworth council operates and is used by this government to set a precedent for others to follow suite.


Here is another example which is now set to become the norm in many other boroughs.



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Unemployed council tenants could lose their home

How else are they going to house illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers?


Illegal immigrants can't join a housing register, people need proof of their right to be in the UK to get a council house, and most who are here illegally don't want to be noticed.


Anyone claiming asylum, whether genuine or bogus, can't have a council tenancy. When they arrive in the UK, if they need housing, they go where they are sent. They may be in homes belonging to private or social landlords, but they won't be their best properties.


Some people lie to get what they want, and may beat the system, but dishonest behaviour isn't limited to immigrants or foreigners.


The reasons we have a shortage of council homes are varied, but as most folk bought their homes in the 90s the demand plummeted, and councils knocked lots down. It cost too much to keep them standing empty. Councils also rented some out to organisations who house asylum seekers, and that kept costs down as they got rent from the government for those homes.

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