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How much sleep do you get?

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I've been sleeping really badly lately, its just too noisy here. Traffic, house alarms, police sirens, bin lorries and street sweepers and noisy drunk people; they all wake me up :(

I'm a really light sleeper, tried ear plugs but it doesn't help.

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I go to bed around 10:30 and fall asleep within five minutes. Wake up around half midnight look at the clock and fall back asleep right away. Wake up again around 3:00 AM pay a flowing tribute to the great god Uryne then go back to bed and sleep until around 6:30 AM when my wife gets up. I have to take a leak once during the night because I like to have a cup of tea an hour before bed


In younger days I could sleep 8 to 10 hours non-stop but was told by a doctor as one gets older sleep habits change.


I still feel I get enough sleep though



I read somewhere that frequent calls to nature at night can be caused by an enlarged prostate as well as diabetes

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My sleep pattern is awful at the moment due to the dreaded "hot flushes :confused: I usually fall asleep 5 or 10 minutes after getting in to bed but bet your bottom dollar I,m hanging out the window 2 hours later trying to cool down and then I am wide awake, But if I sleep during the day I can sleep 5-6 hrs and no hot flushes whats so ever, Dr reckons this can go on for 2-3 years yet . Oh deep joy ( Not):confused:

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I've been sleeping really badly lately, its just too noisy here. Traffic, house alarms, police sirens, bin lorries and street sweepers and noisy drunk people; they all wake me up :(

I'm a really light sleeper, tried ear plugs but it doesn't help.


See if you can get hold of a 'relaxation tape' (showing his age :hihi:) or a relaxation CD of the type handed out with smoking cessation courses.


They work.

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I go to bed around 10:30 and fall asleep within five minutes. Wake up around half midnight look at the clock and fall back asleep right away. Wake up again around 3:00 AM pay a flowing tribute to the great god Uryne then go back to bed and sleep until around 6:30 AM when my wife gets up. I have to take a leak once during the night because I like to have a cup of tea an hour before bed


In younger days I could sleep 8 to 10 hours non-stop but was told by a doctor as one gets older sleep habits change.


I still feel I get enough sleep though



I read somewhere that frequent calls to nature at night can be caused by an enlarged prostate as well as diabetes


"I have to take a leak once during the night because I like to have a cup of tea an hour before bed" ... yet 40 years ago, you could drink 3 or 4 pints of beer, go for a pee, go to bed and sleep all night? :hihi:


If your prostate becomes enlarged, it's got to push somewhere. And that somewhere is called 'bladder' and perhaps the controls for the bladder.


Talk to your doc about getting the snip! (The prostate snip.)


If you're a diabetic and you wake up at night, be very careful!


If my blood sugars get too high, that can cause behavioural problems (outspoken bad temper) for me, but if they get very low, I no longer have 'typical' hypoglycaemic symptoms. - No tunnel vision, no [adrenaline induced] shakes, no anxiety - none of the symptoms I was accustomed to 20 years ago.


Occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night.


Do I want to go for a pee? - If yes, I go for a pee.

If no, grab the glucometer. I don't feel ill, but 'something is wrong' - and blood sugars under 35 are more than a bit wrong!:hihi:


Not only do sleep patterns change as you age, but symptoms for diseases such as Diabetes change, too.


That's why we have endocrinologists. Mine's a bloody Brit!

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"I have to take a leak once during the night because I like to have a cup of tea an hour before bed" ... yet 40 years ago, you could drink 3 or 4 pints of beer, go for a pee, go to bed and sleep all night? :hihi:


If your prostate becomes enlarged, it's got to push somewhere. And that somewhere is called 'bladder' and perhaps the controls for the bladder.


Talk to your doc about getting the snip! (The prostate snip.)


If you're a diabetic and you wake up at night, be very careful!


If my blood sugars get too high, that can cause behavioural problems (outspoken bad temper) for me, but if they get very low, I no longer have 'typical' hypoglycaemic symptoms. - No tunnel vision, no [adrenaline induced] shakes, no anxiety - none of the symptoms I was accustomed to 20 years ago.


Occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night.


Do I want to go for a pee? - If yes, I go for a pee.

If no, grab the glucometer. I don't feel ill, but 'something is wrong' - and blood sugars under 35 are more than a bit wrong!:hihi:


Not only do sleep patterns change as you age, but symptoms for diseases such as Diabetes change, too.


That's why we have endocrinologists. Mine's a bloody Brit!



I've had every blood test known to mankind done over the years. A lot of critics say the US health system is far behind that of Europe but in my case I disagree.

My annual physicals are pretty comprehensive with about 6 different blood tests done as a matter of routine. I'm not diabetic and the the prostate exams show a normal slight enlargement for my age with PSA tests in the normal range. I drink a large mug of tea or coffee along with a large glass of water for breakfast, another large glass of water with lunch and then another at supper which is good for the kidneys and a large cup of tea before bed so I reckon I get off lighly just needing one trip to the bathroom during the night at my age.


I had a cousin roughly my age who passed away a year ago who stayed with us for a couple of weeks some years since. Now that dude had a serious case of prostate enlargement. He was up every night about five times on bathroom trips. I told him he could have surgery done on the prostate to ease pressure on the tube from the bladder or start taking medication, Whether he ever bothered to look into that I dont know.

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I dont get as much sleep as I think I need at the moment. I try to go to bed between 10-11, but wake up at least 2-5 times in the night

sometimes because of partners snoring- and it gets where I tell him to turn over- but then am actually waiting for him to dare start snoring again

then thinking about work/what I'm doing the next day

the only night I probably sleep well is a friday night, but then I'm wide awake for 6am, and cant get back to sleep- which then means I'm tired through the weekend

I try and watch a ''fall asleep'' dvd/take numerous kalms but rarely works.

mainly only feel the effects first thing on a work morning-headache- then shattered when I get in- but hate the cycle of going to work-tea-sleep.

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