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Cameron ups Budget for Olympic ceremonies

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Minister for Sport and the Olympics Hugh Robertson told the BBC the money was an investment to "drive the maximum benefit for the economy and for tourism".


"That's why we've invested that £41m - it's about the impression that people take away of this country. And we hope it's an impression that people will say 'we want to come back here, do business and spend tourism money'."


Do they really think a few more fireworks are going to drive inward investment in the UK?

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Nice to see us spending money we don't have on worthwhile projects whilst people are being thrown on the dole.

You do know that the bid was awarded in 2005, back when Tony Blair was still PM.


Prime Minister Tony Blair called the win "a momentous day" for Britain.


If you have any objections to our signing up for it, I would suggest contacting those responsible:


The Labour Party

Labour Central, Kings Manor

Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6PA



Gordon Brown believes the Olympic project will create jobs in this time of recession


Earlier this month Gordon Brown hailed the Olympic project as an important 'job creator and growth generator' in the face of the economic recession.



But I guess all that's changed since Labour lost the election?

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You can afford it!


You know you can!


Have fun! (Well, you may as well ...you're stuck with the rest of it and you're unlikely to get an Olympiad within the next few years ... so HAVE FUN!


I won't be there. (I'll still be paying.)


You lot will. There's bugger-all you can do about the costs (those will be paid for by your great-grandchildren) but it will probably be a spectacle and a half!



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There are some studies that claim that the Olympics have a negative effect on tourism. Only Barcelona has seen a positive increase afterwards.



LONDON 2012 could do damage to the capital's tourism industry, according to a report from the European Tour Operators Association.


TOURIST HOT-SPOT? A report published on Wednesday says hosting Olympics is bad for city's tourism


Findings of the study, released on Wednesday, which dates back to Seoul 1988, show that tourism in the host city can be as much as 30 per cent down in the lead up to the Games.


Beijing suffered the biggest loss according to the report with international arrivals down 30 per cent on figures from the spring of 2008.
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You do know that the bid was awarded in 2005, back when Tony Blair was still PM.


But I guess all that's changed since Labour lost the election?


No it hasn't. Nothing has changed either with the Great Olympic Scam, or the fact that you can't differentiate between the major parties.


Yet they still insist that the project is 'on time' (we'll see) and 'on budget' (of course it is when the budget has been constantly raised from its original £2.9 Bn to todays five-times amount.)


Cameron seems hell-bent on losing the next election - and we all know what to expect when Labour get back in.


So go the whole hog, Cameron. Keep sending billions in 'Foreign Aid' while our own people freeze. Elevate people like 'Lord' Coe and Tesa Jowell when their mendacity concerning the Olympics would make a banker blush. And insist this weeks Franco/German stitch-up of the EU is 'merely a tidying-up exercise' (©Blair/Brown, 2007) and asking the people for their opinion is not necessary.

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I'm with Rupert on this one - we've got them whether we want(ed) them or not - and we're going to have a massive hangover whether we enjoy ourselves or not - so we may as well make the most of it - in the great black hole that is the budget deficit, £41m is like the whisky chaser after 10 pints of guinness

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I'm sorry to be pessimistic, but I think the games are going to be a bit of a damp squib. Money is short all over Europe, so how many are going to be able to afford to come here?


I think the majority of people in Britain will be annoyed at seeing all the money being spent on them, while other more important things are being neglected. It really is a smack in the face for them.

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