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Suicide - is it a viable 'way out'?

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For some it is a way out and i can understand if you have a terminal illness but as in Gary Speeds case, someone who appears to have everything the question on everyone's mind is why.


But there you have it ! 'appears' to have everything . Unless you're in his position you'll never know why or what the thought trail was that lead to his actions .

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It's a tragic act in a tragic world.


The only time it should be a way out is for people of failing or dreadful quality of life.


The saddest thing is when people kill themselves due to depression and the like. It's a tragedy when someone could easily have swung back round to enjoy many more years, but took away their own opportunity for doing so........


I can't imagine the utter despair that must be going through the minds of people who are attempting it though. So, so sad.


Can you explain how someone in the depths of despair can do this exactly - how do they 'swing themselves back round' ? If it was that easy, don't you think that would have done it ?:confused:

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But there you have it ! 'appears' to have everything . Unless you're in his position you'll never know why or what the thought trail was that lead to his actions .


Some how i think we will eventually find out, hope it is just depression and

not somthing else .

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I think the suicide rate is going to go through the roof. Even a work colleague who wouldn't say boo to a goose was saying if she was terminally ill she'd have a go herself ... and try and get VAT MAn and The Boy Blunder at the same time.

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Anyone that has not contemplated suicide cannot understand or rationalise it. Unless someone has been in circumstances that have lead to them thinking that the 'best way is out ' then they will never understand it .a little like someone saying they are starving when really they are just hungry. Until someone experiences it they never truly understand it .


Most people have not considered child molesting but would not do it or condone anyone else doing it. You do not need to be in the molestor's circumstance to know this - it is just wrong!


So is murder, assault, theft, etc ... we do not need to be in the mind of the criminal before we can say this is wrong.


Suicide is no different. I do not need to experience a certain mindset to know it is a crime. The only people who deserve our sympathies are the victims of this selfish crime, ie the family and friends of those they cruelly leave behind.

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Some how i think we will eventually find out, hope it is just depression and

not somthing else .


'Just depression'.


Depression is to mental illness as the common cold is to physiological illness. With the exception that nobody died of a common cold and many people die from depression.


Often through suicide.


'Depression' is not 'being upset' it is a clear, discrete and diagnosable disease.


'Depression' is to mental illness as the 'Common Cold' is to physiological illness.


Nobody died of a common cold, but many thousands have died from depression.


If you really are upset (and certainly if you are considering self-harm) call your GP and ask for a BDI. If you get 'no' for an answer, go to an ER and tell them your GP wouldn't listen to you.

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