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Suicide - is it a viable 'way out'?

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I'm going to post a serious comment here, due to the type of thread this is.


We often hear the phrase "do people see the warning signs" or "were there any signs that this was coming" or "where were the people who knew this person?"




WHen people begin to act in a strange way, or they are under extreme stress which then makes them act in an odd way, how many people turn their backs on a person who begins to act in an odd way?

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For some it is a way out and i can understand if you have a terminal illness but as in Gary Speeds case, someone who appears to have everything the question on everyone's mind is why.


Gary was a regular member of one of the teams in the Monday pub quiz in Hawarden. He was well respected and wanted, on his night off, to be treated as just one of the lads. No-one gave him any hassle. Hundreds of people round here knew him and all of us are completely dumbfounded. Very, very sad.

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How could you consider it to be anything other than selfish? No one commits suicide for someone else's benefit!


Sometimes people commit suicide because they think the result will only be beneficial to others, by seeing their life as a burden and a drain on others.


Is suicide a viable way out?


That depends what you're trying to get out of. If it's paying a restaurant bill, then my answer would have to be no.


Autoeuthanasia on the other hand, should be accessible to those that might want it, to help facilitate the good death we all deserve.

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i wouldnt say suicide is wrong, i just wish those who do it would consider other peoples feelings like families, friends & the emergency services personel who have to clear up the remains etc


I think forcing/expecting someone to stay alive against their wishes, obviously in a living hell, just becasue it would upset you if they killed themsleves is more selfish.

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Fact is despite peoples nice words on this forum, most people would turn their backs on anyone who was begining to act in a very strange way - if their life was begining to unravel.


Yep - it scares people. People dont know how to act around people. So therefore they avoid the situation at all costs.


Not that I would. Been there myself luckily I had a great set of friends that helped me rather than turned their backs on me :)

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