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Suicide - is it a viable 'way out'?

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I can say suicide is a crime because it is!


As for the dig about my name ... people in glasshouses, Mr Crapper, people in glasshouses!


Crapper is my surname not a just a chosen screen name, and if you pick the screen name of such a vile man with such extreme views you should expect some people with more moderate or liberal views may take issue with it. people are free to express themselves as they wish, i'm not saying that, and in return other people should be allowed to as well. Lets face it he'd have been a good friend of a certain Adolf Hitler.


and as for suicide being crime, ampersand pointed out it was decriminalised in 1961

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Crapper is my surname not a just a chosen screen name, and if you pick the screen name of such a vile man with such extreme views you should expect some people with more moderate or liberal views may take issue with it. people are free to express themselves as they wish, i'm not saying that, and in return other people should be allowed to as well. Lets face it he'd have been a good friend of a certain Adolf Hitler.


and as for suicide being crime, ampersand pointed out it was decriminalised in 1961


Enoch is my name and what's Adolf got to do with it? If you spout such cra rubbish, you should expect some people to take issue with your name!


While we're on the subject of the Adolf. He killed himself, so he was also a criminal ... suicide is self-murder and killing yourself is evil in the eyes of God.

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I agree with you Saffy, it is said that God in his infinate wisdom is all forgiving, and that he gave his son to die for others, would not such a person understand the suffering of others enough to forgive them the act of suicide?


If not then maybe it is time to question our beliefs.

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It's utterly devastating for those left behind but the way I see it is that it's a form of euthanasia only it's an unrelenting emotional pain and torment that someone taking their life is escaping, rather than physical. To condem those who reach such a nadir is lacking in understanding and compassion.

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Enoch is my name and what's Adolf got to do with it? If you spout such cra rubbish, you should expect some people to take issue with your name!


While we're on the subject of the Adolf. He killed himself, so he was also a criminal ... suicide is self-murder and killing yourself is evil in the eyes of God.


Yes hitler did kill himself but that isn't what made him a criminal is it. And i'm afraid i don't believe in god so i don't see it as a crime in "gods eyes" the way that you may. It isn't the same as murder. Sometimes people end up in such dark, unbearable place. Sometimes it may be because they've caused people suffering or have committed terrible crimes, but most of the people who do turn to suicide do it because they've lost someone close, they may have a terminal illness and decide they want to go out on there own terms, and others may choose it because they cannot stand suffering with a mental illness. I just hope you never have to suffer from such deep depression that you cannot get out of bed, you cannot eat, that you cannot function that you cannot get the idea of ending your life out of your head. Been so depressed that you start thinking about a permenant solution to the suffering you feel inside.


i'm sorry that you feel i'm spouting rubbish, but suicide is not a crime in the eyes of the law, it does have detrimental effects on the family and friends left behind which is awful, but what do you do with somebody who makes a suicide attempt and fails, sentence them to life in prison like a murderer

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i have been on the other side of someone trying to commit suiside and its nasty altough you give them a good live you get blamed for eveything that has gone wrong in there lives.they think there getting better but stll end up losing the thing that are most important to them.ie there wife and kids

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I know from personal experience that there are so many different opinions and causal reasons regarding this ultimate act, but for some people, rich/poor and famous or not, it seems to be the way 'out'?


Some say those that commit suicide are selfish (bereaved loved ones)? Mentally/emotionally ill? Desperate? There are spiritual questions involved - is it a leap into eternal nothingness or judgement by their God/s? Some religions see suicide as a sin.


Personally, where kids aren't involved, I can't blame those that do it. Doesn't make it acceptable, but I don't disagree with the concept, so much of this life is unpalatable.


The English actor George Sanders committed suicide in 1972 aged 66, he had told his disbelieving friend David Niven in 1937 that he would do it one day. His note read-

"Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck."


As we're predominantly now a secular nation in practice and outlook, is suicide 'wrong'?


It's my life, I'll do with it as I please.

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