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Suicide - is it a viable 'way out'?

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While we're on the subject of the Adolf. He killed himself, so he was also a criminal ... suicide is self-murder and killing yourself is evil in the eyes of God.


How can you compare the suicide of a criminal like Hitler to the suicide of a person who is unhappy and severely depressed.Hitler and evil killers like Fred West etc who ended their lives to escape punishment.are in no way the same as some someone who take their own life because of depression.To say that their act is evil in the eyes of God is outragous.When their state of mind is so disturbed and they are unable to think with any clear reasoning and clarity they can't be held responsible for that tragic action.

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Enoch is my name and what's Adolf got to do with it? If you spout such cra rubbish, you should expect some people to take issue with your name!


While we're on the subject of the Adolf. He killed himself, so he was also a criminal ... suicide is self-murder and killing yourself is evil in the eyes of God.


The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, who exactly was that a sacrifice to?

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I know from personal experience that there are so many different opinions and causal reasons regarding this ultimate act, but for some people, rich/poor and famous or not, it seems to be the way 'out'?


Some say those that commit suicide are selfish (bereaved loved ones)? Mentally/emotionally ill? Desperate? There are spiritual questions involved - is it a leap into eternal nothingness or judgement by their God/s? Some religions see suicide as a sin.


Personally, where kids aren't involved, I can't blame those that do it. Doesn't make it acceptable, but I don't disagree with the concept, so much of this life is unpalatable.


The English actor George Sanders committed suicide in 1972 aged 66, he had told his disbelieving friend David Niven in 1937 that he would do it one day. His note read-

"Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck."


As we're predominantly now a secular nation in practice and outlook, is suicide 'wrong'?


Suicide is not wrong, I'll take the pink bath when I'm ready. My grandad is dying at the moment. 89 so good innings, bowel cancer and alzimiers awful to see a proud man die so slow and confused.

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I am very disappointed to read posts condemning suicides/would be suicides.

Unless you have been in a place so dark that you can only see one option to escape it, then you can't imagine how bad it can be.


Please try and understand, nobody commits suicide with the deliberate intention of hurting their loved ones. Nor are they able to think of those who have to deal with the aftermath.


Depression is a very real mental illness. It is not a case of feeling a bit unhappy because something has gone wrong in your life (although sometimes such an event can trigger the onset of it)


I truly hope that all the posters who have villified these unhappy people never have to suffer depression themselves.

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At the time of writing this, if it wasn't for my kids I'd seriously consider it.


Are you okay?


I'm sorry, I know it's such a stupid question considering the topic, but if I'd have ignored your post it would have played on my mind.

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