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Traffic accident with a skip

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Give it to your insurance company Im sure they will get some money out of it, tell them you hurt your neck and and you have had a few days of work go for it get some money out of it if you think you are in the right, the skip should not have been there in the first place. remember were there's blame there's a claim.

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Thanks for the feedback, if not some quite brutal. I did hit a static object (skip) but it was illegally placed. It was not marked so that it was visible to an approaching driver. I didn't go into the side of the skip, only the corner that was jutting out into the road (unmarked without any cones, lights or reflector strips - which by law (for a reason) they should have. The point i made in regards to there being no permit, and that the council guy thought it was in an inappropriate position and therefore got it removed straight away, im sure adds to my case.

I can understand where people, as with some of these post responses, would say that its me that needs to spend my money on advanced driving lessons. Thats a quick reflex response to make. I am a builder and have driven a van, plus a number of other types of vehicles over the years. I am a competent driver. If an object is hanging out in the road on a dark night, unmarked, and the darkness of it blends into the night - is that not cause for concern? If i put a scaffold up for a job and it is near pedestrians, the scaffold at ground level by law needs to be visible. There are a number of other safety precautions i would have to take also.

That is why the law dictates what the skip companies must do to avoid my particular scenario.


I don’t think anyone is suggesting the skip shouldn’t be marked and positioned correctly, your point about not seeing the skip would imply you also wouldn’t see a child dressed in dark cloths, so maybe you should have gone to specsavers or turn your headlight on. :)

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Thanks for reply.

I have 3rd Party, f & theft - not fully comp.

I think i may have to contact skip company, see what response is. At the worst i will have to contact a solicitor. Really hard to know what to do, i havent been through this before.

Sorry I haven't read everybody else's response, as there's bound to be a squabble about whose fault it is


If you have household insurance you most likely have access to a free legal advice phoneline - make use of it :thumbsup:

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As i approached the junction there was a skip very close to the corner on the left


It was not marked so that it was visible to an approaching driver.


Make your mind up as to the lie you intend to tell the insurance.

Lies on claim forms can invalidate your insurance and that would be the end of your business.

More likely if the person who handles your claim reads this forum.

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Thanks for the feedback, if not some quite brutal. I did hit a static object (skip) but it was illegally placed. It was not marked so that it was visible to an approaching driver.


None of which excuses you from being responsible for the accident. If you collide with a stationary object, the stationary object is not at fault.



Would you sue a deer for being dead in the road without proper lighting?

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Can anyone help me with my problem?


On Friday night i was driving down a side road linking onto a main road. As i approached the junction there was a skip very close to the corner on the left. Opposite this was a parked van - double parked the skip. As i went through the gap a car turned off the main road, coming from my right. I was indicating to turn left. The gap between the skip and parked vehicle was tight and now the turning car made it tighter. I looked in all directions, including wing mirrors, and started to turn left. As i turned my left side of vehicle was caught by skip, causing obvious damage.

I few additional pieces of information to consider - I flagged a police officer in van down, who photographed the skip and position, but also told me that it is a civil matter and would have to contact council, but they would have record of being at the scene.

Next, i took plenty of photos too - and also in daylight the next day.

I contacted Sheffield council (who were great, and very on the ball), they sent a guy out to check the scene. It turns out that the skip had no permit, did not have reflector strips on side of skip, had no traffic cones or lighting (which they should have, but not many do)

The guy (who was incidentally a really informative guy, who definitely knows his stuff) informed me that as well as the aforementioned, that the skip was positioned quite badly. The council guy immediately ordered the skip be removed by the skip company.

I have been driving for 25 years and have never caused an accident. Believe me, if this was my fault i would not pursue this - but it isn't - what do i do next??


I'll name that tune in one. One of his compatriot clowns told me that theft was a civil matter.

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Thanks for the feedback, if not some quite brutal. I did hit a static object (skip) but it was illegally placed. It was not marked so that it was visible to an approaching driver. I didn't go into the side of the skip, only the corner that was jutting out into the road (unmarked without any cones, lights or reflector strips - which by law (for a reason) they should have. The point i made in regards to there being no permit, and that the council guy thought it was in an inappropriate position and therefore got it removed straight away, im sure adds to my case.

I can understand where people, as with some of these post responses, would say that its me that needs to spend my money on advanced driving lessons. Thats a quick reflex response to make. I am a builder and have driven a van, plus a number of other types of vehicles over the years. I am a competent driver. If an object is hanging out in the road on a dark night, unmarked, and the darkness of it blends into the night - is that not cause for concern? If i put a scaffold up for a job and it is near pedestrians, the scaffold at ground level by law needs to be visible. There are a number of other safety precautions i would have to take also.

That is why the law dictates what the skip companies must do to avoid my particular scenario.


This is the legislation regarding skips on the highway= http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1980/66/section/139

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