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Concern for a neighbour's children (advice)

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I work with children and I would not suggest that you contact anyone. The 3 year old should be accessing a childcare centre to use their free pre-school funding grant entitlement and the 5 year old should be or will shortly be attending school, if the child's home environment is having a knock on effect on the child's well being, both physically and emotionally this will be picked up on and acted upon by the staff and referred to the appropriate agency if needed.

As suggested above the most helpful thing you can do is be there to listen and support, often in situations like this being able to vent to someone who will listen and understand can make a massive difference, start small with a drink and general chat and build up to voicing your concerns.

The only time to act upon this would be if abuse in any form was suspected. Also check out the link, it might help you understand a bit more: https://www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk/welcome/informationchildrenfamiliespublic/informationpublic


If you are concerned this number will put you through to a 24/7 line to speak to a social worker (0114) 273 4855


Hope that helps! :)

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I work with children and I would not suggest that you contact anyone. The 3 year old should be accessing a childcare centre to use their free pre-school funding grant entitlement and the 5 year old should be or will shortly be attending school, if the child's home environment is having a knock on effect on the child's well being, both physically and emotionally this will be picked up on and acted upon by the staff and referred to the appropriate agency if needed.
Has anybody told the 3 year old that this is the case? :rolleyes:


There are no guarantees that any agency will pick up on such domestic problems. If that was true, the NSPCC wouldn't need to run the ads they do

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