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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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Beyonce did go on the lemon juice diet to lose 20 lbs, there's this about it:


The Master Cleanser, otherwise known as the lemonade diet, has been getting a lot of press recently since Beyonce Knowles admitting to using the crash diet to lose 20 lbs for her role as Dina in the hit movie “Dreamgirls.” The former Destiny’s Child singer states she was motivated to shed the pounds “to go the extra mile.”


She reportedly told China Daily, “Back in the sixties, models like Twiggy were popular and I knew Deena would have been thin then, so even though I really love eating, it was necessary to lose weight really fast because we shot Deena at 16 and Deena at 36 two weeks apart.”


The Master Cleanser, also known as the “Master Cleanse diet”, “lemonade diet”, “lemonade fast”, “Master Cleanser lemonade fast” and the “maple syrup diet”, was popularized by Stanley Burroughs as a way to cleanse, detox and lose weight. Far from being a “detox diet” the master cleanser actually causes a build up of toxins. Please see the dangers of the Master Cleanser.


According to Beyonce, “My nutritionist suggested the only way to do that was the (lemonade diet) fast.”

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Under the supervision of experts on the biggest looser one man lost 2 stone in a week.




TO be fair, when you start off at 32 stone, you never excercise and you enjoy large portions at dinnertime (don't we all?), then when you do any form of physical activity its inevitable that you will drop a couple of stones off.


If you were obese, you could take a neighbours dog for a 5k walk once a week and that would be a fantastic start. You could even do the walk minus the dog, just take a friend with you.


Be much cheaper than employing a Personal Trainer.

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You could try matching your exercise to calerie intake. That way, if you like your food, you might not have to cut down so mum. Just up the exercise.


I would definatley recommend taking up a martial art to keep fit as regular gyms and traditional forms of exercise can prove boring due to their repetition. Keeping the mind interested can take away the pain of the exercise.

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It's all on t'internet.


I still say - if The Lemon Diet worked for Beyonce, it's got to be worth a try:thumbsup:


So you keep saying. You said in the OP that you have tried this diet and can recommend it. So, how much weight did you lose over what period of time? What was your starting weight? Have you kept it off?

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IMO that's a rather simplistic attitude to take towards anything, particularly when it's gossip.


;) let me correct that for you, Cyclone ;)


IMO that's a rather simplistic attitude to take towards anything, particularly when it's gossip from a trash-rag!
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How do you know? Did you read it in Heat?


Now, now, stop being snobbish about Heat magazine:hihi:


Many celebrities have lost weight using the lemon diet. AS well as Beyonce, Jared Leto and Robin Quivers have lost loads of weight on it. Jared Leto lost 62lb and Robin Quivers lost 70lb!!! See this link: http://www.thelemonadesite.com/index.html

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Now, now, stop being snobbish about Heat magazine:hihi:


Many celebrities have lost weight using the lemon diet. AS well as Beyonce, Jared Leto and Robin Quivers have lost loads of weight on it. Jared Leto lost 62lb and Robin Quivers lost 70lb!!! See this link: http://www.thelemonadesite.com/index.html


Ok, Ok, did you read, there was a London bus found on the moon? :nod: There were photos, too!

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