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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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Ok, Ok, did you read, there was a London bus found on the moon? :nod: There were photos, too!


If you are sooo sceptical about this, then how about a test? Go on The Lemon Diet for week and see how much weight you lose:thumbsup:


I can't promise you'll look like Beyonce after going on the diet but you will lose weight

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If you are sooo sceptical about this, then how about a test? Go on The Lemon Diet for week and see how much weight you lose:thumbsup:


I can't promise you'll look like Beyonce after going on the diet but you will lose weight


The version of the lemon diet that Beyonce used includes NOTHING BUT lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup as your diet. Of course people lose weight when they stop eating solids completely but have lots of lemon juice and water as an alternative- that's not exactly rocket science, is it?


What you were advocating at the start of the thread was to introduce lemon juice or whole lemons to your diet to cause weight loss, and that's not the same thing at all.


Anybody would lose weight if they stopped eating and instead drank some lemon juice and water. Hardly a balanced and healthy weight loss plan though.

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Oh, and as a diabetic, going on a complete fast would probably kill PT within a week ;)


This isn't a 'diet' it's a 'fast' and they're completely different things.


Sorry. Not being sarcastic but of course I don't know the medical history of everyone posting on here:)


Back to the points being raised:


1. As posted previously, there are indeed medical studies raising interesting outcomes regarding citrus comsumption and weight loss.


2. Beyonce (and other celebrities) have had significant weight loss using the The Lemon Diet.


3. Many doctors have advocated The Lemon Diet (as posted before, so I don't want to repeat old posts!).

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Sorry. Not being sarcastic but of course I don't know the medical history of everyone posting on here:)


Back to the points being raised:


1. As posted previously, there are indeed medical studies raising interesting outcomes regarding citrus comsumption and weight loss.


2. Beyonce (and other celebrities) have had significant weight loss using the The Lemon Diet.


3. Many doctors have advocated The Lemon Diet (as posted before, so I don't want to repeat old posts!).


My bold - I, conversely, do want to repeat old poats and am still waiting for you to answer the questions that I posed below, almost a week ago:


So you keep saying. You said in the OP that you have tried this diet and can recommend it. So, how much weight did you lose over what period of time? What was your starting weight? Have you kept it off?
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My bold - I, conversely, do want to repeat old poats and am still waiting for you to answer the questions that I posed below, almost a week ago:


2 stone. And yes it has been kept off. Even over the Christmas festivities.


But maybe it's more useful to highlight celebrity weight loss as people can clearly see the results!

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2 stone. And yes it has been kept off. Even over the Christmas festivities.


But maybe it's more useful to highlight celebrity weight loss as people can clearly see the results!


If you are endorsing a product or some kind of regime based on your personal experience, one of the rules of marketing is to state how it has been of benefit to you. So, what was your starting weight and how have you kept it off, what timescale did you lose 2 stone in and have you resumed your previous lifestyle that contributed to you being overweight in the first place? You must have been overweight to have shifted 2 stone in what I assume was a relatively short period of time as this 'lemon diet' is not sustainable. How long ago did you stop the diet?

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If you are endorsing a product or some kind of regime based on your personal experience, one of the rules of marketing is to state how it has been of benefit to you. So, what was your starting weight and how have you kept it off, what timescale did you lose 2 stone in and have you resumed your previous lifestyle that contributed to you being overweight in the first place? You must have been overweight to have shifted 2 stone in what I assume was a relatively short period of time as this 'lemon diet' is not sustainable. How long ago did you stop the diet?


ZZZZZZZZZZZZ... here goes though..


12 stone down to 10 stone. Excess weight was due to knee injury. Reduced mobility = reduced everyday physical activity = weight gain!!


Weight was lost in less than one month on the Lemon Diet and has remained off 1 year later. Knee injury is healed so normal everday physical activity is resumed.

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If you are sooo sceptical about this, then how about a test? Go on The Lemon Diet for week and see how much weight you lose:thumbsup:


I can't promise you'll look like Beyonce after going on the diet but you will lose weight


Well, I'll never look like her in a million years, as I'm short, plump, nordic , and blonde, not tall, afro-American, and dark-haired.


The version of the lemon diet that Beyonce used includes NOTHING BUT lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup as your diet. Of course people lose weight when they stop eating solids completely but have lots of lemon juice and water as an alternative- that's not exactly rocket science, is it?


What you were advocating at the start of the thread was to introduce lemon juice or whole lemons to your diet to cause weight loss, and that's not the same thing at all.


Anybody would lose weight if they stopped eating and instead drank some lemon juice and water. Hardly a balanced and healthy weight loss plan though.


Oh, and as a diabetic, going on a complete fast would probably kill PT within a week ;)


This isn't a 'diet' it's a 'fast' and they're completely different things.


Firstly, what Medusa said, in spades. I could lose shedloads of weight if I fasted in the manner you suggest, but I have the common sense to know that:-


a) Most of this alleged 20 lbs would be water/ fluid, not fat, and most of it would be put back on immediately I began to eat properly again, as would be the case with anyone following this regime.


b) I repeat, whether diabetic, like myself or not, a fast of this sort would actually more than likely send most people Ketotic by the time the week was out, and would be unsafe.


c) crash dieting like this sends people's metabolism into "Starvation mode" which means that the lost weight, plus more would be put back on


d) Faddy fasts, masquerading as "diets", be it the egg diet, the "heart foundation" (very dangerous high salt) diet (that didn't come from the Heart foundation at all) the grapefruit diet, the Atkins diet, or this maple syrup and lemon juice diet don't really work, and are horrendously dangerous in the long-term.


e) the only safe and recommended way of losing weight for most people, is slow and steady, at a rate of about 2-3 lbs a week.


Trash-rags like "heat" etc don't get given house-room, chez-talker. I have enough self esteem and self confidence to not be running after this, or that, celebrity fad, be it Ugg boots, Hermes handbags or nonsense (non-)eating regimes. "Oh, look! Beyonce bought some Laboutin shoes, that you can't even walk in.... I MUST buy those, cos I'm a sheep! baaaa! I'm not complete unless I have that Birkin handbag! Baaa! baaa!

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