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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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You're the one who started exalting the benefits of the lemon juice diet and Vitamin C.


At least you accept that the only way to maintain a healthy weight is through healthy eating and exercise, which is why I am surprised that you'd be promoting crash dieting in this fashion. Where does the 'through this diet' bit come in with the sustained weight loss? Shifting weight fast is the least likely way to keep it off.


But I haven't been bragging about not having a cold in over a year like you have (it's even longer since I've had a cold anyway:hihi::hihi:)!!!!


Again - the diet is about losing weight. That's losing weight. Not maintaining weight. So the idea is you use The Lemon Diet to lose weight then keep it off by eating a balanced, healthy diet!!! Sure you could lose weight by careful healthy eating but that takes longer.


As a side point lemons are a fantastic source of vitamin C which will help the immune system fight infection.

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But I haven't been bragging about not having a cold in over a year like you have (it's even longer since I've had a cold anyway:hihi::hihi:)!!!!


Again - the diet is about losing weight. That's losing weight. Not maintaining weight. So the idea is you use The Lemon Diet to lose weight then keep it off by eating a balanced, healthy diet!!! Sure you could lose weight by careful healthy eating but that takes longer.


As a side point lemons are a fantastic source of vitamin C which will help the immune system fight infection.


Hardly bragging. :rolleyes:


You appear to have shifted the goalposts anyway as you said that 'weight maintenance is achieved through healthy eating and weight loss through the Lemon Diet'. So what are you saying, that you have to stick with a very lemon rich diet once the fast is over and the <2 stone has been lost? Or you ditch the lemon diet completely and then resume normal life but a far healthier one than before?


I don't believe that anyone could crash diet and lose as much as up to 2 stone in a very short space of time, then start a healthy balanced diet, in conjunction with exercise and not regain any of that 2 stone. How does this lemon diet educate or prepare someone for a healthier lifestyle? It's sending the body into starvation mode. I've seen people attempt this time and time again with a variety of diets (including Lighter Life and other similar ones) and they never keep it off.

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Hardly bragging. :rolleyes:


You appear to have shifted the goalposts anyway as you said that 'weight maintenance is achieved through healthy eating and weight loss through the Lemon Diet'. So what are you saying, that you have to stick with a very lemon rich diet once the fast is over and the <2 stone has been lost? Or you ditch the lemon diet completely and then resume normal life but a far healthier one than before?


I don't believe that anyone could crash diet and lose as much as up to 2 stone in a very short space of time, then start a healthy balanced diet, in conjunction with exercise and not regain any of that 2 stone. How does this lemon diet educate or prepare someone for a healthier lifestyle? It's sending the body into starvation mode. I've seen people attempt this time and time again with a variety of diets (including Lighter Life and other similar ones) and they never keep it off.


Firstly - there are indeed nutritional benefits to eating lemons as I mentioned some time ago now. These benefits include increased resistance to infections from Vitamin C. I would add though that Vitamin D is particularly crucial to health and therefore would advise taking cod liver oil tablets:


InfectionsVitamin D appears to have effects on immune function.[24] It has been postulated to play a role in influenza with lack of vitamin D synthesis during the winter as one explanation for high rates of influenza infection during the winter.[25] For viral infections, other implicated factors include low relative humidities produced by indoor heating and cold temperatures that favor virus spread.[26] Low levels of vitamin D appear to be a risk factor for tuberculosis[27] and historically, it was used as a treatment.[28] As of 2011 it is being investigated in controlled clinical trials.[28] Vitamin D may also play a role in HIV.[29]


Vitamin D also protects against osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and MS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_d


I believe a barrier to successful weight loss is the sheer time it takes to see results. This becomes demotivating and the slimmer gives up!! By promoting the Lemon Diet, the slimmer can lose weight quickly and on seeing their new, improved slim self is motivated to eat healthily to keep the weight off.

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Firstly - there are indeed nutritional benefits to eating lemons as I mentioned some time ago now. These benefits include increased resistance to infections from Vitamin C. I would add though that Vitamin D is particularly crucial to health and therefore would advise taking cod liver oil tablets:


InfectionsVitamin D appears to have effects on immune function.[24] It has been postulated to play a role in influenza with lack of vitamin D synthesis during the winter as one explanation for high rates of influenza infection during the winter.[25] For viral infections, other implicated factors include low relative humidities produced by indoor heating and cold temperatures that favor virus spread.[26] Low levels of vitamin D appear to be a risk factor for tuberculosis[27] and historically, it was used as a treatment.[28] As of 2011 it is being investigated in controlled clinical trials.[28] Vitamin D may also play a role in HIV.[29]


Vitamin D also protects against osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and MS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_d


I believe a barrier to successful weight loss is the sheer time it takes to see results. This becomes demotivating and the slimmer gives up!! By promoting the Lemon Diet, the slimmer can lose weight quickly and on seeing their new, improved slim self is motivated to eat healthily to keep the weight off.


Conversely, my experience is that I see people time and time again pleased with their drastic weight loss only to think 'great, I've reached my goal so can stuff my face again and if I put any weigth back on, I'll try this again as I know that I lose it.' It takes self discipline, determination and willpower to lose weight at the recommended rate and to keep it off. These crackpot diets appeal to those who want a quick fix, who will ultimately fail then resort to another quick fix and spend more money on some stupid diet. The diet industry relies on this, if their products ensured permanent weight loss, they wouldn't make anywhere near as much money.

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Conversely, my experience is that I see people time and time again pleased with their drastic weight loss only to think 'great, I've reached my goal so can stuff my face again and if I put any weigth back on, I'll try this again as I know that I lose it.' It takes self discipline, determination and willpower to lose weight at the recommended rate and to keep it off. These crackpot diets appeal to those who want a quick fix, who will ultimately fail then resort to another quick fix and spend more money on some stupid diet. The diet industry relies on this, if their products ensured permanent weight loss, they wouldn't make anywhere near as much money.


You need motivation to diet - be it Lemon Diet or general healthy eating. I've seen people give up dieting after trying to eat healthily because it's boring and they don't have enough willpower - I've also seen people fail on the Lemon Diet or Egg Diet for exactly the same reason. It's no different.

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You need motivation to diet - be it Lemon Diet or general healthy eating. I've seen people give up dieting after trying to eat healthily because it's boring and they don't have enough willpower - I've also seen people fail on the Lemon Diet or Egg Diet for exactly the same reason. It's no different.


Ultimately, those who succeed in long term weight maintenance after weight loss are those who have lost it gradually and made changes to their lifestyle. What many people want is to lose a shed load of weight on some fad diet and for it to miraculously stay off when they resume their former lifestyle which is why the diet industry is a multi-million pound one as obviously this will not work nor is it in the industry's interest for it to. The motivation is to look and feel better and improve one's health, whether that's for a particular event (ie wedding) or for life.

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really? are you still drivvling on about this


yes you will lose weight due to the severely reduced calorie intake. its also devoid of protien so you will be losing lean muscle mass in with that weight loss and you wont be getting the vitamins and minerals you need


in short yes you will see the scales heading down but you wont be doing your body any favours in the long run

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really? are you still drivvling on about this


yes you will lose weight due to the severely reduced calorie intake. its also devoid of protien so you will be losing lean muscle mass in with that weight loss and you wont be getting the vitamins and minerals you need


in short yes you will see the scales heading down but you wont be doing your body any favours in the long run


Hoo-rah! Someone else, like Suffragette, who has the sense to know what they are talking about! This is exactly what Suffy, Medusa and I (amongst others) have been trying to explain to pifes.

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