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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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  • 2 months later...

It is hard to realise but people doing computer work use as much energy as people with physical jobs. The unknowing consequences are dehydration and a need to eat loads.


This is because the brain needs fatty oils omega3+6 found in freshwater fish, green leaf veg and seed oils but gets body fuel instead. It is important to fuel the brain and not the body if you do more sit down office work.


Glucose, amino acids and micro-nutrients are also necessary. The main thing is to stop eating trans fats in margarine, oily chips as these will destroy your brain and zap your energy.


Your increase in energy will allow you to exercise more and then keep up the water intake.

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  • 3 weeks later...
There are no superfoods.


Whether or not one believes in the existance of a 'superfood', what cannot be disputed are the multifarious benefits of eating lemons.


"Dr Penny Stanway practised for several years as a GP and as a child-health doctor before becoming increasingly interested in the benefits of a healthy diet and other natural approaches to health and well-being."

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Indeed. But one must not underestimate the considerable curative power of the humble lemon

Or indeed the gullibility of people who want to lose weight without the putting in the required effort.

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Well of course eating the odd lemon won't make you lose weight if you're troughing on burgers and cakes as well but lemons can certainly help with weight loss as part of a calorie controlled diet by providing an excellent source of nutrients but few calories.

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