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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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Any calorie control, coupled with exercise and ensuring that the diet contains all the nutrients that are needed will have the same effect.


Yes, but some foods (lemons being a good example) are particularly helpful for weight loss.

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Although Cyclone and myself have not seen eye to eye on certain fitness/weight loss threads in the past - I am in complete agreement with him or her on this one.


How can any food (lemons) be proven to aid weight loss, or be classed as a superfood?


Someone on the horizon could claim eating beetroot would be a superfood and sell a book claiming that "beetroots" aid weight loss. Sell the book to gullible people looking for a quick fix easy solution and.....oh.....become very rich....thats given me a little idea......;)


Beetroots are superfoods, come and buy your beetroot from me..... one jar = £20 ;);) help you lose weight

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Is there any (real) evidence to support that and/or some sort of reason based explanation of why?


Edit - real evidence doesn't include a book written by someone selling 'the lemon diet'.


It’s apparently the pectin contained within citrus fruit that lowers the guts ability to absorb fats, some food also apparently have the ability to increase the metabolic rate, chillies being one of them.

The foods that are claimed to help you lose weight are usually very good for you, so adding them to your diet can’t do much harm.

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Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that exists most prevalently in the peel and pulp of citrus fruits and throughout apples, although it occurs in most plants in general. It contains traces of galactocides, which are carbohydrates that convert to galactose, a constituent of lactose, when hydrolyzed by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Pectin is a diverse property of food, contributing both physical and nutritional attributes.


Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/side-effects-of-citrus-pectin/#ixzz1t8LeLsIk


How much of it do Lemons really contain, enough to do something?


Certainly no harm in eating them, they're a healthy part of a normal diet I'd say.

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How much of it do Lemons really contain, enough to do something?


Certainly no harm in eating them, they're a healthy part of a normal diet I'd say.


In lab tests it apparently doesn’t need much; even putting vinegar on chips can in theory slow the rate of fat absorption. The problem with testing this in a test tube is that it is no guarantee it will do the same in a human. Too many variable and I would imagine it wouldn’t be worth the expense of trying to prove it. I certainly wouldn’t base a diet on it, but I would include them in a sensible diet.


I eat lemons because of their high pectin content and it does help me control my psoriasis, when combined with sunlight, it has similar results to PUVA treatment, and saves me the time involved in going to the hospital.

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Without a double blind human trial I'd say that it's misleading to tell people that it will have an effect.


I agree they should say it could have an effect, I experimented on myself to find the right amount to drink before going out in the sun. Three lemons do the trick, as well as rubbing it into my psoriasis. Apparantly even NHS POVA treatment doesn't work for everyone.

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It’s apparently the pectin contained within citrus fruit that lowers the guts ability to absorb fats, some food also apparently have the ability to increase the metabolic rate, chillies being one of them.

The foods that are claimed to help you lose weight are usually very good for you, so adding them to your diet can’t do much harm.


So what happens to the fat then?


Either it's absorbed later on, in which case you'll be getting the calories anyway, or, it just stays there. Forever?

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