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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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So what happens to the fat then?


Either it's absorbed later on, in which case you'll be getting the calories anyway, or, it just stays there. Forever?


It endes up in the bog I would think instead of round your waist.:)

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  • 6 months later...
Well, like it or not, this diet DOES WORK!!! I've lost two stones on this and have kept it off. Definately worth a try.


Of course it works- you restrict the food that you eat therefore you lose weight.


Anything that caused you to restrict your food intake would cause the same weight loss.

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Going back 40yrs my dad was put on this diet by the hospital.He had become diabectic and had to lose weight fast in order for his treatment to begin.The idea was that the juice of 1 lemon was drank first thing in the morning (neat) and then the acid in the lemon would break some fat down and the body could deal with that in small portions other than a mass of fat.Then he had to follow a food diet given by them but it worked and he lost his weight quite rapid.Not sure now in todays knowledge that its a good thing but this was 40 odd years ago..

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  • 11 months later...
You won't find any of course, because non exist, because lemon juice doesn't do anything special when you consume it.


I think you could replace lemon with almost anything and get a similar effect;

the orange diet,

the eucalyptus diet,

the wood diet,

the cigarette diet,

the concrete diet,

the suicide diet.


Wha'd ya think? I reckon the bamboo diet is the one for me.

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