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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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Losing weight fast is a foolish thing to try and do and is guaranteed to result in rapid weight gain once normal eating patterns are resumed. The end result is weight yo-yoing up and down and wrecking one's metabolism. All the health professionals recommend a weight loss of 1lb per week with a reduction in calorie intake of about 500 per day. If you exercise on top of that and expend more energy, you can consume more. It really is not rocket science but most people lack the willpower to sustain this and even if they do lose the weight, they're unable to keep it off as old lifestyle habits creep back in.

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Wondered how long it would be, before someone mentioned the word 'EXERCISE'.

Common sense really aint it...


People want quick fix solutions with minimum effort. They don't work. Or rather they do, but only in the short term. Crash dieting invariably leads to weight problems in the long run.

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omg!.i wish it was that easy im hypothyroid and recently had my thyroxine increased to 150 for 3 mths then increase it again....i did a all the right things for 5 weeks like cut out white bread...i ate ww meals snacked on fruit all the common sense stuff ...and didnt lose anything at all!!!!:rant:....did the same gym 3 times a week plenty cardio....did 45 min fast walk odd nights also ..did for 6 weeks!...i gained weight!!!!:suspect:....this is typical for hypothyroid patient...its very upsetting for me as im very para about my weight as it is lol.....but i carry on eating sensibly untill my thyroid level gets sorted then hopefully i will be able to see some results for my hard work lol.....

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