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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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In your opinion it is ridiculous, but for the majority of people, training more than that amount is simply not feasable, be it for work, family or relationship reasons.


Unless you are free and single, many people do have time to spent 3 or more nights a week at the gym or on some other form of fitness routine. Dieting is also a pain, and means you have to cut back on the things you enjoy.


Time and time again, our class members see these results based on one session every week. Not only are the sessions effective, they are also great fun and very sociable

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Even the government recommendation, which is a bare minimum, is to do something for 30 mins a day that raises your heart rate. That's 3.5hrs a week.

Your suggesting that you can somehow magically burn enough calories in 90 minutes a week to loose weight. It's not possible without strict control of your calorie intake as well.


You have to be lying, you cannot alter the laws of thermodynamics. Maybe you're just delusional and don't realise that you're completely and utterly wrong.

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Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating, I even gave people a "don't pay" option, so they could come to the sessions to put my claims to the test.


Nobody came along and took up the offer. Had they done that, and I was proven to be telling porkys then I would have posted back onto Sheff Forum with an apology


With regards government recomendations, I would not take any of what is said by the experts too seriously, despite the millions being pumped into schemes by the government, and all the research obesity in this country is simply racing away to the point where it will be a serious problem in a couple of decades.


If the government experts so so good at solving the problem (with their advice) then we would be seeing obesity dropping in the country, and NOT increasing.


As yet, I have not been proven to be lying/wrong as nobody took up the offer of free sessions


On the other hand, I may be lying through my teeth and had people took the offer of "only pay if you see changes", I could have ended up looking very foolish. Had the offer been taken up, I may have ended up with egg on my face.


At the end of the day, this is the service that is provided, and is its main selling point. Train once a week to see changes, and as the business is growing at a steady pace you have to assume that people are happy with the service they are paying for.

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Something which would require us to sacrifice our functional and effective training in order to prove that doing something for 90 minutes a week is insufficient.

I've got better things to do than put on weight and loose fitness to prove you wrong.


And also as previously discussed anyone motivated enough to pay you for a class is week is almost certainly changing their eating habits and doing additional exercise beyond your class.

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Something which would require us to sacrifice our functional and effective training in order to prove that doing something for 90 minutes a week is insufficient.

I've got better things to do than put on weight and loose fitness to prove you wrong.


And also as previously discussed anyone motivated enough to pay you for a class is week is almost certainly changing their eating habits and doing additional exercise beyond your class.






I won't contribute further to this thread, we are clearly not going to disagree.


Unless you or the others were prepared to take the "don't pay" option, then you cannot prove that the results are wrong.

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Well, I'm going out for a run. It's not magic why my weight is controlled, I burn the same amount of energy as I consume, basic physics.


Likewise. I was carrying a bit of extra weight a few years, a lifestyle change with daily exercise (either walking to and from work, gym classes, weights and/or running), cutting down on the booze and healthier eating sorted that out. I am now trim and toned (some would say skinny:roll:). I'm well within my healthy weight range and get all the other benefits that exercise brings. I shall be going for a run tonight.

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Maybe if you inject the lemon juice into your body.


If however you eat it then it's not going to be doing anything to your bodily fat.


If you consume enough lemons/lemon juice then this will aid weigh loss - it's an easy, low cost way to lose weight more quickly. It's worth a try!

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