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Need to lose weight fast? Try this!

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It has no medical basis and sounds like nonsense. But each to their own.


Maybe if you run to the green grocers and back each time you want a lemon it will be more effective.


It's a lazy and quick way to lose a bit of weight, however, as we all know, to successfully maintain a healthy weight involves regular exercise combined with a healthy diet. If people want to lose weight for a special occasion and aren't bothered about keeping it off, then these fad diets are worth doing as they tend to send the body into starvation mode so weight loss is more rapid than the recommended 1lb per week, however, they are not sustainable long term.

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Plus every diet-loss programme involves the mug-punter paying £££ to the programme's provider!


Yes, it's an incredibly lucrative industry and obviously said industry would not like the weight loss to be permanent, otherwise it would cease to make money unless people stuck with these programmes for life. When really, it need not cost anything. Healthier foods, smaller portions and brisk walking and/or running. If people have the money and inclination, then they can join a gym. I've seen SO many people take up virtually every diet on the market, they work in the short term, however, they do no educate the dieter about diet and lifestyle, so as soon as the former are resumed, the weight goes back with extra. Not good, these diets set people up to fail.

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People want to lose weight fast to stop all the abuse they have to love with on a daily basis, when your overweight people consider you the lowest of the low and your an easy target for these bullies who are all so perfect in every way


Crash dieting will not result in long term weight loss. The people whom

I know who have lost serious amounts of weight and kept it off, did it gradually over time by eating healthier foods and snacks combined with regular exercise. There is no magic formula to it, you have to consume less calories, fat and sugar and expend more energy.

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Crash dieting will not result in long term weight loss. The people whom

I know who have lost serious amounts of weight and kept it off, did it gradually over time by eating healthier foods and snacks combined with regular exercise. There is no magic formula to it, you have to consume less calories, fat and sugar and expend more energy.


I completely agree, healthy eating and exercise is the only way to lose weight successfully, but it's not easy. For example when an overweight person tries to go walking for exercise do people think good on you trying to lose your weight in a healthy way, nope they get abuse, at the gym the body beautifuls who like to stand around posing all day look at the overweight people as though they shouldn't be there. So when you have a choice of slowly, healthily with abuse or quickly, unhealthily & 3 month later people say wow you look good what are they going to choose?

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