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Falkland Islands Tension increase

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The Yanks have bought all our stock of them as they know how good they are.

They beat all the stuff the Yanks sold to the Argies during the Falklands debacle.

Thats probably why.


No doubt the Harrier is a worthy adversary for any fighter in a foreigh arsenal but let me play devils' advocate.

Suppose old Hugo Chavez of Venezuela just decides he's going to give some considerable support to the Argies if thy try to pull one off again?

He's no lover of the US or for that matter any European country either except Russia. So he goes to see Vladimir in Moscow and buys up a bunch of their top fighter the Mig 35 equipped with the RD-33MK Sea Wasp engine and then transfers them to the Argy Air force. What then?


If memory serves me right the Argy Air Force was equipped with French Mirage jets during the Falklands war. I dont know about any US planes unless they were surplus old F-4s

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No doubt the Harrier is a worthy adversary for any fighter in a foreigh arsenal but let me play devils' advocate.

Suppose old Hugo Chavez of Venezuela just decides he's going to give some considerable support to the Argies if thy try to pull one off again?

He's no lover of the US or for that matter any European country either except Russia. So he goes to see Vladimir in Moscow and buys up a bunch of their top fighter the Mig 35 equipped with the RD-33MK Sea Wasp engine and then transfers them to the Argy Air force. What then?


If memory serves me right the Argy Air Force was equipped with French Mirage jets during the Falklands war. I dont know about any US planes unless they were surplus old F-4s


As you did before, stay out of it, until t you saw who was going to win.

As per WW1 and WW2 until youwere dragged into it by the scuffs of your necks.

The Yanks are the biggests cowards in the world.

They cant fight face to face, only by leaving to others.

They come in at the last minute, when the job is done, and claim the Golden Spanner.

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As you did before, stay out of it, until t you saw who was going to win.

As per WW1 and WW2 until youwere dragged into it by the scuffs of your necks.

The Yanks are the biggests cowards in the world.

They cant fight face to face, only by leaving to others.

They come in at the last minute, when the job is done, and claim the Golden Spanner.


What a load of utter rubbish!

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No doubt the Harrier is a worthy adversary for any fighter in a foreigh arsenal but let me play devils' advocate.

Suppose old Hugo Chavez of Venezuela just decides he's going to give some considerable support to the Argies if thy try to pull one off again?

He's no lover of the US or for that matter any European country either except Russia. So he goes to see Vladimir in Moscow and buys up a bunch of their top fighter the Mig 35 equipped with the RD-33MK Sea Wasp engine and then transfers them to the Argy Air force. What then?


If memory serves me right the Argy Air Force was equipped with French Mirage jets during the Falklands war. I dont know about any US planes unless they were surplus old F-4s


Range would still be an issue for any land based air force. During the 82 conflict, the actual amount of loiter time for the FAA (fuerza aerea argentina) aircrft was limited to the amount of fuel they could carry in drop tanks - which meant that only two hardpoints were available for offensive stores.


I think the idea that Argentina could mobilise the forces required to attempt to retake the islands without our inteligence picking up on it is extremely unlikely. Thats if they had the same level of capability as in 82. Which they don't. Not to mention the forces on the Islands have a far greater capability than they did in 82.


In short, you've more chance of platting fog than you have of the Argentines retaking the Falklands by force.

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