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Falkland Islands Tension increase

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The Yanks have bought all our stock of them as they know how good they are.

They beat all the stuff the Yanks sold to the Argies during the Falklands debacle.

Thats probably why.


The Americans purchased our Harriers to use as spare parts for their own Harriers.

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I must be sadly out of date. In my day air support was provided by F-4s off Navy carriers.

I dont remember seeing any Harriers back in the late 60s.


The US Marine Corps as well as the US Navy fly jets, as I suspect they did in the 1960s. Today the US Marine Corps fly F-18s a well as Harriers, but as I said only their Harriers can fly of their amphibious assault ships. The plan is for the F-35 to replace both of them which would be able to fly off their amphibious assault ships, but the future of the STOVL version which the Marine Corps want to purchase is under doubt.

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As you did before, stay out of it, until t you saw who was going to win.

As per WW1 and WW2 until youwere dragged into it by the scuffs of your necks.

The Yanks are the biggests cowards in the world.

They cant fight face to face, only by leaving to others.

They come in at the last minute, when the job is done, and claim the Golden Spanner.


only a coward would come out with a statement like that

try saying that to the decendants of the young lads who gave their lives on the normandy beaches

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As you did before, stay out of it, until t you saw who was going to win.

As per WW1 and WW2 until youwere dragged into it by the scuffs of your necks.

The Yanks are the biggests cowards in the world.

They cant fight face to face, only by leaving to others.

They come in at the last minute, when the job is done, and claim the Golden Spanner.


What an idiot ! Sheffield does produce some daft uns :hihi: :hihi:

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only a coward would come out with a statement like that

try saying that to the decendants of the young lads who gave their lives on the normandy beaches



I'd love to takre Balpin by the scruff of his scrawny neck and drag his sorry ass across the channel to the allied cemeteries above the D-Day beaches. The American cemetery alone contains the bodies of around 10,000 soldiers. I've been there seen it as well as the Canadian, British and German cemeteries. I felt the same sense of sadness looking at the German graves as I did all the others.

War isn't worth a damn and too many young men have paid the price for it

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The US Marine Corps as well as the US Navy fly jets, as I suspect they did in the 1960s. Today the US Marine Corps fly F-18s a well as Harriers, but as I said only their Harriers can fly of their amphibious assault ships. The plan is for the F-35 to replace both of them which would be able to fly off their amphibious assault ships, but the future of the STOVL version which the Marine Corps want to purchase is under doubt.


They were flying the F-4 when I was in so that tells you how long ago that was. I never saw a Harrier at that time 1966-1970


The first Harrier I saw was at the El Toro Marine Air Base in California in the late 1980s while at an air show. It was pretty impressive.


I've often since wondered why the Pentagon never looked more into VTOL technology

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Range would still be an issue for any land based air force. During the 82 conflict, the actual amount of loiter time for the FAA (fuerza aerea argentina) aircrft was limited to the amount of fuel they could carry in drop tanks - which meant that only two hardpoints were available for offensive stores.


I think the idea that Argentina could mobilise the forces required to attempt to retake the islands without our inteligence picking up on it is extremely unlikely. Thats if they had the same level of capability as in 82. Which they don't. Not to mention the forces on the Islands have a far greater capability than they did in 82.


In short, you've more chance of platting fog than you have of the Argentines retaking the Falklands by force.



More than likely Argentina may try to get some foothold through the UN by diplomatic means with the rest of the south and central American countries supporting.

I see Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez being a big player. He seems to be a growing influence in that part of the world. The US buys some of it's oil from Venezuela and Chavez is flush with dollars. When it comes to trade and the necessity for it everything else goes to second place.

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They were flying the F-4 when I was in so that tells you how long ago that was. I never saw a Harrier at that time 1966-1970


The first Harrier I saw was at the El Toro Marine Air Base in California in the late 1980s while at an air show. It was pretty impressive.


I've often since wondered why the Pentagon never looked more into VTOL technology


The Harriers stopped being a VTOL aircraft as they were too heavy to tack off fully loaded with fuel and ordinance vertically, they were adapted to to Short Take Off and Vertical landing, STOVL. They still needed a "ski jump" to take off from our carriers though, as a resault Harriers coul'dn't fly from our amphibious assault ship, HMS Ocean.


As to the reason why more STOVL weren't developed more by the Pentagon was probably all the sacrifices needed to achieve vertical flight compromised the plane as a fighter.

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I'd love to takre Balpin by the scruff of his scrawny neck and drag his sorry ass across the channel to the allied cemeteries above the D-Day beaches. The American cemetery alone contains the bodies of around 10,000 soldiers. I've been there seen it as well as the Canadian, British and German cemeteries. I felt the same sense of sadness looking at the German graves as I did all the others.

War isn't worth a damn and too many young men have paid the price for it

Balpin's embittered ramblings have to be taken with a big pinch of salt. He just hates a lot of things, including Americans, Margaret Thatcher, people politically right of the communists, and anybody professionally elevated above the shop floor.

Of course he knows all about cowardice and courage - that's why he chose a career in the merchant navy over the Royal Navy. Or maybe he just couldn't get into the Royal Navy.

It's wrong to be annoyed by the tripe he posts - far better to take a sip of tea and appreciate our system of care in the community which allows people like him access to the internet.

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