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European commision forcing the uk to pay benefits for immigrants

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You are attempting to cloud the issue with gobbledygook and will perhaps come up with a few links from the internet that are bias enough to support your position.

The facts still remain that there are many , many many eastern Europeans working here and sending vast sums of money home, making their country richer, and ours poorer.

We are being bled dry.


The Poles are very good as their kids want to buy British toys for Xmas,videos of the X factor and life size models of wayne Rooney.Most of the money is spent on our goods.The others are great workers and have been a big help at our home helping thge children acquire so many useful languages for modest fees,as well as all the obvious extensions etc.

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It's amazing how certain posters always show more concern for foreigners be it Overseas Aid or coming here to get on the benefit system that only seems a one way affair when our own people are constamtly blocked.

Many of our own Elderly die in the winter from lack of heating due to expensive utilities, yet foreigners can jump straight onto the benfit bandwagon on arrival.

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