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Arthur Scargill makes me proud to be English!

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I wonder who will have the last laugh, Thatcher or Scragill. Scargill still has his mind intact, but Thatcher is senile and almost at deaths door, I think she will die first....SO SCARGILL WINS!:banana::banana::banana:


However, that statement has just lost you the argument...I bid you a good night...:D

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That is an interesting thought! I worked for the old 'Gas Board' from it being a nationalised industry through privatisation. Gas showrooms were subsidised by the profits from the sale of gas, as were repairs to items like gas cookers. I loved working there in the old days, but realistically it was overstaffed. I remember one manager whose priority was finishing his crossword every day. ;) Sales staff in the showrooms were on bonuses for selling when there was really no competition. However, apprenticeships were really sought after as the training was second to none.


We all got a small number of shares when the company was privatised and the opportunity to buy them was there for the general public. I scraped a few quid together and bought some more and I've still got some left.


We used to wonder why we couldn't get free gas as did many of the NCB employees who didn't have coal fires. No-one grudged the miners their heating allowances, but why did all the managers, office and general workers get the same perks? The perks and high management costs didn't exactly keep down the price of fuel for the rest of us.


The mineworkers union was for all grades of workers;they resisted attempts to be divisive through this strategy.Scargill was very shrewd and got good deals for all in the industry.This upset the right and Thatcher provoked a confrontation.Scargill in hindsight should have walked but relished a fight.It was a strategic error,and has proved very costly.

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You're focussing on an irelevant, tiny proportion.


There are a few hundred landed gentry families with inherited lands and titles. Some of them probably couldn't fend for themselves as you say - big deal, they're rare - very few.


There are about 440,000 millionaires in the UK. That's not rich in real terms today, just comfortable, but remember that nearly all those people aren't titled upper classes, they're just people who've done well, and they'd mostly do well all over again if they had to start again, just as the weak-minded would not do well.


Are you weak-minded and if not why are'nt you a millionaire.I would challenge your figures,and your claim that none of them are rich.Just how much do you need to be rich?I of course have over a million in assets but would consider myself rather fragile mentally,weak even.

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The mineworkers union was for all grades of workers;they resisted attempts to be divisive through this strategy.Scargill was very shrewd and got good deals for all in the industry.This upset the right and Thatcher provoked a confrontation.Scargill in hindsight should have walked but relished a fight.It was a strategic error,and has proved very costly.


I believe too many got the good deals. I lived Doncaster (NCB headquarters) for over 20 years, including some years in a mining village, and I know how hard some of the miners worked and the conditions they worked in. I was however sceptical of the need for senior personnel and other workers who never went near a mine to be given coal allowances or the equivalent. I really believe the mineworkers' unions got very greedy, and many other industries and occupations suffered because of their selfishness.


Scargill owns a beautiful and expensive home, yet he is depriving his 'beloved' union of much needed funds by insisting a flat they own in London is his for life. ''Embarrassingly for a radical socialist who long railed against the perks and privileges of the elite, the new confrontation is over a £1.5million luxury flat in the City of London''. Smacks somewhat of double standards.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1386730/Arthur-Scargill-faces-eviction-1-5m-luxury-apartment-NUM-launch-legal-action.html#ixzz1g4wwz1wV

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Arthur Scargill makes me proud to be English!


Facts about Scargill:

  • He decided to take the miners out on strike without taking a ballot - this is what the Nottingham miners objected to. Scargill's lot in turn branded them scabs - how very democratic!
  • His father was a member of the Communist Party
  • He supported the Soviet Union
  • He had a bad comb-over

No he does not make me proud to be English!

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Facts about Scargill:

  • He decided to take the miners out on strike without taking a ballot - this is what the Nottingham miners objected to. Scargill's lot in turn branded them scabs - how very democratic!
  • His father was a member of the Communist Party
  • He supported the Soviet Union
  • He had a bad comb-over

No he does not make me proud to be English!


The Nottinghamshire miners refused to join the strike because the government were paying them massive bonuses and telling them that their jobs were safe, so they scabbed. After the strike all their pits were closed too, so they were hoodwinked by the government.

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If we had a leader like Scargill today we could kick the tory butt right out of office!


I'm sorry but I thought we lived in a democracy where we chose who was in power by using the majority vote system. Last time I remember a scenario like Tardis is proposing was when the brown shirts were in support of Hitler. Look where that got them.

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