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Arthur Scargill makes me proud to be English!

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Facts about Scargill:

  • He decided to take the miners out on strike without taking a ballot - this is what the Nottingham miners objected to. Scargill's lot in turn branded them scabs - how very democratic!
  • His father was a member of the Communist Party
  • He supported the Soviet Union
  • He had a bad comb-over

No he does not make me proud to be English!

Add to that:

  • He was a typical communist/socialist sympathising hypocrite who called people 'comrade' when addressing his lemmings but lived in a big house in one of the nicer Sheffield suburbs on a fat salary
  • He scammed union funds to pay his mortgage and his staff 'lost' all records of that when it was investigated.
  • The copper who nobbled him at Orgreave should have received a medal.

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He was a brave warrior who dared to take on the establishment.

He is far better than the yellow bellied leaders of today. We should bring him back today to take on the two bitty boy leaders and kick this lot who live on inherited wealth right out of office . The two bitty boys were born multimillionaires at birth and need removing at any cost.

They were not elected to run the country.

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He was a brave warrior who dared to take on the establishment.

He is far better than the yellow bellied leaders of today. We should bring him back today to take on the two bitty boy leaders and kick this lot who live on inherited wealth right out of office . The two bitty boys were born multimillionaires at birth and need removing at any cost.

They were not elected to run the country.


A brave warrior!!! Think you've spent too much time on the computer playing war games. Meanwhile back on earth what would you have said if Clegg had offered to run with New Labour? I assume you would have said "No thankyou you were not elected to run the country".

Remember, in the real world you can't just press the reset button everytime you lose.

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A brave warrior!!! Think you've spent too much time on the computer playing war games. Meanwhile back on earth what would you have said if Clegg had offered to run with New Labour? I assume you would have said "No thankyou you were not elected to run the country".

Remember, in the real world you can't just press the reset button everytime you lose.


I repeat, the bitty boys do not lead an elected government , and as such should be got rid of by any means possible.

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As I understand it the existing political system allows in the case of no clear winner for 2 or more parties to combine to form a coalition government. Whether this is the right thing to do or not is not the relevant point. It has provided Italy with it's government for many years and look where it has got them. As I said before you can't just press reset and start again.

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As I understand it the existing political system allows in the case of no clear winner for 2 or more parties to combine to form a coalition government. Whether this is the right thing to do or not is not the relevant point. It has provided Italy with it's government for many years and look where it has got them. As I said before you can't just press reset and start again.


And as I said before. The present government has not been elected and thus has no right to govern. The bitty boys should be got rid of by any means possible.

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ex maltby miner worked at maltby for 13 years from school 1980 to 1993 redaunt ,


i was in the miners strike so was the rest of my family , we all stayed out for the full year no money food came from food parcel donated by churchs, folks down london in my case i awas lucky i had father in law and mother in law who lived out at everton near bawtry my wife has relation that live and did work at harworth pit ,


right lets get a few things right 1972 strike was started by the miners which fecth every other union out the goverment at the time was tory ( heath ) geuss who was sat in the wings ready yes maggie sodding soon to be buried thatcher , she said well before she came into power she would kill the num for what we did to heath yes the coal resvers were full at power stations and yes arthur did benfit from the strike i know a few more that did but hey ho thats life its all ways been done ,


i lost my job so did many more , lucky maltby was moth bald then reopen in to private industry i chose not to go that way , to be honest the lads i worked with were proud to do it and they were bloody hard workers many new lads could not hack the work or go under ground , the country now is in the crap from maggie she butcherd the whole country when she was in power all this we are now in is from her .


next time any body comes up to me and says we had no back bone i will tell them go and tell that to the lads who gave there lives in the fight for a propper wage or job or liveing , the dicks who we have now in power are doing the same as what the stupid cow did in 1984 , killing the country


we want jobs not dole its crap been on dole the jobs that are out there dnt pay my bills,


if you want to know what a miner went through to give you warmth in your house back then go down the mineing musem then come back and say we are all whimps


from a ex maltby miner and bloody well proud to be 1

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ex maltby miner worked at maltby for 13 years from school 1980 to 1993 redaunt ,


i was in the miners strike so was the rest of my family , we all stayed out for the full year no money food came from food parcel donated by churchs, folks down london in my case i awas lucky i had father in law and mother in law who lived out at everton near bawtry my wife has relation that live and did work at harworth pit ,


right lets get a few things right 1972 strike was started by the miners which fecth every other union out the goverment at the time was tory ( heath ) geuss who was sat in the wings ready yes maggie sodding soon to be buried thatcher , she said well before she came into power she would kill the num for what we did to heath yes the coal resvers were full at power stations and yes arthur did benfit from the strike i know a few more that did but hey ho thats life its all ways been done ,


i lost my job so did many more , lucky maltby was moth bald then reopen in to private industry i chose not to go that way , to be honest the lads i worked with were proud to do it and they were bloody hard workers many new lads could not hack the work or go under ground , the country now is in the crap from maggie she butcherd the whole country when she was in power all this we are now in is from her .


next time any body comes up to me and says we had no back bone i will tell them go and tell that to the lads who gave there lives in the fight for a propper wage or job or liveing , the dicks who we have now in power are doing the same as what the stupid cow did in 1984 , killing the country


we want jobs not dole its crap been on dole the jobs that are out there dnt pay my bills,


if you want to know what a miner went through to give you warmth in your house back then go down the mineing musem then come back and say we are all whimps


from a ex maltby miner and bloody well proud to be 1




It is good to hear from another person (like myself) , who has personal experience of the mining industry. Lots of posters on here just talk rubbish and know nothing of the reality. Everyone who has understanding realises that Thatcher was evil. Some on here are ten bob millionaire pretend tories who know nothing about the real world.

They choose to dismiss everyone who is on the dole as a scrounger even though the REAL jobs are no longer available.

You are also right in saying that the two bitty boys are just picking up where the bitch left off.

It is time to get a new leader like Scargill , but one who can encompass all the main unions. Together we can get rid of this shower of unelected thick brown stuff. Lets kick butt!

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