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Arthur Scargill makes me proud to be English!

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This is a heated debate, but it helps to keep open minds. I was 13 in 1984. My father was on strike for the full 12 months at Woolley Colliery, and I fully understand why. On the other hand, my uncle at Denby Grange didn't strike for even one day, and I also understand why. People have different ideas of what's important in life, and different ways or achieving them. I've come to accept that the mining industry in the 80s was unsustainable, and had to change. I also understand that the miners demonstrated in the 70s that they COULD bring a country to it's knees - a dangerous thing to allow. So in retrospect I can see why Thatcher went all out to smash the NUM.


The thing that I still cannot accept is the way she did it. Loads of miners were ENCOURAGED to leave their roots and decamp to Selby, Goole, Howden etc on the promise of jobs for life. Jobs which were then taken off them within 5 years, and left lots of them mortgaged to the eyeballs trying to make ends meet farm labouring and trolley pushing. The way Cortonwood colliery was closed on the basis of lies and disinformation. It goes on.


On Arthur Scargill, I saw him speak at Locke Park in Barnsley in 1986, and I was impressed as a 15 year old by his commitment and passion. He wasn't a politician, he was an idealist. By contrast, Neil Kinnock spoke at the same rally after him, and he was dreadful - all statements and no substance, like every other politician nowadays.


My father stood and applauded Arthur Scargill. Last year he voted for David Cameron. You've got to listen to both sides.


one was a raving commie the other was a traitor take your pick

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He was a brave warrior who dared to take on the establishment.

He is far better than the yellow bellied leaders of today. We should bring him back today to take on the two bitty boy leaders and kick this lot who live on inherited wealth right out of office . The two bitty boys were born multimillionaires at birth and need removing at any cost.

They were not elected to run the country.


he wont come back now he,s living what he always wanted the good life baa

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At the moment we have the lunatic born millionaire bitty boys running the asylum. I know which I would prefer.

The rich caused the downturn.....MAKE THEM PAY!


as many millionairs in the labour party millibands father was a raving commie nutter was he arffers father? I think we should be told

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Scargill took on the establishment and lost in a class war. If he had won the working people in this country would have been far better off today.

Workers today are wimps who are on their knees and scared!

Bring back Arthur!


like all the ex commy country,s don,t make me laugh

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This country should be run by the unions whose members create its wealth, not the bankers and politicians who steal its wealth!


Come on Tardis.The last Labour government backed by the UNIONS made a complete shambles of it and left our country potless.This is why alot of public sector jobs are now under review.Have you not seen the newspapers,television and other media reports on other countries such as Greece,Ireland,Spain,Portugal where theyve borrowed huge amounts of money,lived the life of luxury and cant pay it back.Did you see Greece have a referendum to loan the money in the first place.This is why the current government are making these changes.To avoid another Greek tragedy.How much longer would Labour have gone before we ourselves fell into the same trap.

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what you think about thatcher getting half a million in the last 5 years :huh:


Its petty jealousy like that keeps the class war going. she was a wealty woman before she went in to politics. Not inherited wealth either, Both she and her husband had made money through hard work.

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