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Military personnel who support non-interventionism

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It's interesting that Ron Paul, a relatively little-known US presidential candidate, known for his non-interventionist approach to foreign policy, is apparently the top recipient of donations from active military personnel.


Do you think this is just anti-war, right wing libertarian propaganda, or is it possible that military personnel actually think policing the world through military interventionism is doing more harm to the US reputation than good?

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It's interesting that Ron Paul, a relatively little-known US presidential candidate, known for his non-interventionist approach to foreign policy, is apparently the top recipient of donations from active military personnel.


Do you think this is just anti-war, right wing libertarian propaganda, or is it possible that military personnel actually think policing the world through military interventionism is doing more harm to the US reputation than good?



This is rapidly becoming a none issue as the last US troops will be out of Iraq by the end this year and out of Afghanistan in 2014


Ron Paul was formerly a Libertarian Party candidate who ran for President in 2008 and garnered only a very small percentage of the vote.

Now he's popped up as one of the Republican clowns presently seeking the GOP nomination in 2012. His Libertarian policies and ideas haven't changed however.

He doesn't stand a chance of getting the nomination as his domestic policies are so far out that he'd scare off most of the voters and it would be suicidal for the Republicans to stand him up against Obama.


The two most likely to get the nomination are Newt Gingrich or Romney.

Neither worth my vote. John Hunstman is the best candidiate but unfortunately cant seem to get the support

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This is rapidly becoming a none issue as the last US troops will be out of Iraq by the end this year and out of Afghanistan in 2014


Ron Paul was formerly a Libertarian Party candidate who ran for President in 2008 and garnered only a very small percentage of the vote.

Now he's popped up as one of the Republican clowns presently seeking the GOP nomination in 2012. His Libertarian policies and ideas haven't changed however.

He doesn't stand a chance of getting the nomination as his domestic policies are so far out that he'd scare off most of the voters and it would be suicidal for the Republicans to stand him up against Obama.


The two most likely to get the nomination are Newt Gingrich or Romney.

Neither worth my vote. John Hunstman is the best candidiate but unfortunately cant seem to get the support



If he is the best candidate, then why can't he get the support?


Surely if he (in your words) were the best, then he would???

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If he is the best candidate, then why can't he get the support?


Surely if he (in your words) were the best, then he would???


That depends what he's best at. You don't win an election by actually being any good at running a country; you win an election by persuading people to vote for you.

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If he is the best candidate, then why can't he get the support?


Surely if he (in your words) were the best, then he would???


Not always. Moderate Republicans dont fare too well in these kind of political frays in this day and age.


As for Ron Paul he's two bricks short of a full load. During a recent discussion on Medicare, which he abhors he stated that self sufficiency is a better policy and talked of an America long gone when sick people went to their churches for help in getting treatment. Is that what this man still believes in?

:loopy: :loopy:

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This is rapidly becoming a none issue as the last US troops will be out of Iraq by the end this year and out of Afghanistan in 2014


I'm talking about US foreign policy in general, not two specific and current conflicts.


Why does Ron Paul get so much support from active military?

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As for Ron Paul he's two bricks short of a full load. During a recent discussion on Medicare, which he abhors he stated that self sufficiency is a better policy and talked of an America long gone when sick people went to their churches for help in getting treatment. Is that what this man still believes in?

:loopy: :loopy:


You confuse me, Harleyman. I remember reading one post of yours where you listed all the duties and responsibilities of government and there wasn't much difference from what Ron Paul is advocating, i.e. minarchism. To say you support Huntsman, who is essentially another big government "conservative" suggests otherwise.

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I'm talking about US foreign policy in general, not two specific and current conflicts.


Why does Ron Paul get so much support from active military?



When you say active military I presume you mean on an individual basis.

I cant answer that question except to say that perhaps many in the military are stressed out with repeated duty rotations first to Iraq until the drawdown of troops from that country started some time back and then to Afghanistan.

It's normal that such rotations have disrupted families and caused other hardships but then it's worth considering that when all military are out of Iraq which will happen by the end of this month and out of Afghanistan by end 2014 the next thing that will happen that there will be downsizing and big cuts in military spending which is in the works alreday.

This will mean that many who planned a career in the military and a pension after 22 years service will suddenly find themselves redundant and out of a job.

There was a news item just a couple of weeks ago that around 16,000 positions in the US Navy were to be eliminated.

If Ron Paul did become president and implemented a policy of strict non-intervention then that would be very detrimental to the Pentagon. The military industrial complex employes millions of people not only in the military but outside as well.

So as far as "military personnel who support non-intervention" then let them also be aware of the old saying "Be careful what you wish for"

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It could be that the majority of active military personel have been 'at war' their entire military careers, I mean how long since iraq? I could be that many are sick of it, they probably haven't experienced the boredom of peace time dutys. 5 years of guarding a barracks and they'll be crying out for a war.

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You confuse me, Harleyman. I remember reading one post of yours where you listed all the duties and responsibilities of government and there wasn't much difference from what Ron Paul is advocating, i.e. minarchism. To say you support Huntsman, who is essentially another big government "conservative" suggests otherwise.


Would you vote for a Prime Minister whose agenda was to abolish or privatize the National Health Service, do away with the state pension system, close the department of education and slash millions from Government programs that benefit less fortunate citizens? If you say yes then you would be voting for Ron Paul's British clone.


Paul is an idiot completely out of touch with the realities of everyday modern life. His idealoogy belongs to an era of over a hundred years ago. Be self sufficient in all ways, dont rely on the government for help, sink or swim on your own. I notice though that he never speaks about abolishing income taxes at the same time.


Incidentally there is no such thing as a "big government conservative"

A true conservative is dead against "big government" of any kind

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