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Military personnel who support non-interventionism

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It could be that the majority of active military personel have been 'at war' their entire military careers, I mean how long since iraq? I could be that many are sick of it, they probably haven't experienced the boredom of peace time dutys. 5 years of guarding a barracks and they'll be crying out for a war.


Chances are they wouldn't even have that job to do. They'd be classified as redundant and separated from military service.


The government is looking to make cuts everywhere these days due to the economic situation

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Would you vote for a Prime Minister whose agenda was to abolish or privatize the National Health Service, do away with the state pension system, close the department of education and slash millions from Government programs that benefit less fortunate citizens? If you say yes then you would be voting for Ron Paul's British clone.


Paul is an idiot completely out of touch with the realities of everyday modern life. His idealoogy belongs to an era of over a hundred years ago. Be self sufficient in all ways, dont rely on the government for help, sink or swim on your own. I notice though that he never speaks about abolishing income taxes at the same time.


Incidentally there is no such thing as a "big government conservative"

A true conservative is dead against "big government" of any kind


Exactly, which is why it's laughable that so many Republicans call themselves fiscally conservative then talk about nibbling away at 10 million or so. Bush's spending wasn't that much less than Clinton's. That's what I mean by "big government conservative" - it's a deliberate oxymoron that highlights the perversion of how political ideologies have come to be defined.


I do agree with a lot of what Paul says (mostly on the issues that social and economic libertarians meet around the back on), but not on the degree, or at least the rate at which he wishes to pull back the state.


Anyway, this thread was not about whether Ron Paul is a viable candidate, it was about why he is seemingly so popular with active military personnel...

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  • 6 months later...

If you want to understand why he's so popular with military personal you should just listen to the veterans/active personal on YouTube that support him.


They understand the concept of "blowback"; either through intellectual discussion and research, or direct experience in their performance of theirs duties. Many of them say their oath to the U.S. Constitution means they cannot support unconstitutional war's.


You will also find the more well read financial contributors to Ron Paul's cause have a good understanding of imperial history. They will tell you that great empires have been brought to their knees by war and government spending in various ways.

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