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David cameron told a lie about the winter fuel payments.

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i remember him of accusing Labour of a smear campaign and saying that they were spreading lies by informing electorates that the Tories would abolish the Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners.

well the goverment have made cuts to the payments allready.

i suspect its only going to be a matter of time before all payments are stopped but the goverment would probably dare not do it in their first term of office for fear of a backlash. if they are re-elected at the next election though.it would be no surprise to me.if the payments ended.

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i remember him of accusing Labour of a smear campaign and saying that they were spreading lies by informing electorates that the Tories would abolish the Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners.

well the goverment have made cuts to the payments allready.

i suspect its only going to be a matter of time before all payments are stopped but the goverment would probably dare not do it in their first term of office for fear of a backlash. if they are re-elected at the next election though.it would be no surprise to me.if the payments ended.



I have got mine this year. I hope they continue.





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... if they are re-elected at the next election though....


They were not really elected in the first place. Two losing parties got together after an undecided election to form a coilition to prevent a re-run of the election.


The party that is in charge is "Conservative-Liberal Democrat".


The chances of the same coilition being in charge after the next general election "are a million to one", to paraphrase the musical version of the HG Wells classic.


The next government, at the moment according to my estimation, will probably be one of three options.

1) Labour

2) Conservative

3) Labour-Liberal Democratic Coilition


No matter which party is the government in 3.5 years, I doubt there will be any room to change any decisions, we are in a depression and it is likely to last for a decade.

All the freebies like winter fuel and free bus travel are not likely to be around for very much longer, for the people currently benefitting.

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They were not really elected in the first place. Two losing parties...


Parties do not stand for election. MPs do.


After an election, if there is a large enough group of MPs who can agree on a legislative programme and carry a majority, that group becomes the government. Nothing in 2010 was any different from any other election, except that it wasn't possible for a single party to produce that group on its own.

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Parties do not stand for election. MPs do.


After an election, if there is a large enough group of MPs who can agree on a legislative programme and carry a majority, that group becomes the government. Nothing in 2010 was any different from any other election, except that it wasn't possible for a single party to produce that group on its own.


Whilst I agree with your statement about the nature of Government, you are missing an important detail. Under FPP, we usually get a majority Government and therefore, we can expect them to implement their manifesto.


We don't have that this time and so, we have the rather unedifying spectacle of two party leader jettisoning pledges and principles. Both Clegg and Cameron campaigned hard on principles which they are now willing to toss away in order to retain power.


And they wonder why people are disillusioned with politics.

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Are there that many poor people in England that can't even afford to heat their home in the winter months :confused: I've never heard of such an allowance like that, we use to put extra blankets on the bed in the winter time.......are these the same people that wanted free milk too ?

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They were not really elected in the first place. Two losing parties got together after an undecided election to form a coilition to prevent a re-run of the election.


The party that is in charge is "Conservative-Liberal Democrat".


The chances of the same coilition being in charge after the next general election "are a million to one", to paraphrase the musical version of the HG Wells classic.


The next government, at the moment according to my estimation, will probably be one of three options.

1) Labour

2) Conservative

3) Labour-Liberal Democratic Coilition


No matter which party is the government in 3.5 years, I doubt there will be any room to change any decisions, we are in a depression and it is likely to last for a decade.

All the freebies like winter fuel and free bus travel are not likely to be around for very much longer, for the people currently benefitting.



yes i was aware we have a Coilition Goverment!

some might say the Liberal Democrats are the new Tories though.

i hope you are wrong about a depression lasting so long.

you may well be right about losing the Winter Fuel Payments/free bus travel, which would be a great shame.

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