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David cameron told a lie about the winter fuel payments.

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As a matter of record fuel payments for over 60s has been cut.I was 60 in April ,I don't receive fuel allowance until next Dec when I will be 61.They have moved the goalposts with this and bus passes , the age for receiving fuel allowance moves every year but has been kept quiet!

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As a matter of record fuel payments for over 60s has been cut.I was 60 in April ,I don't receive fuel allowance until next Dec when I will be 61.They have moved the goalposts with this and bus passes , the age for receiving fuel allowance moves every year but has been kept quiet!


No the state pension age for women is changing to bring into line with men. Therefore the age at which you qualify for WFPs is changing.

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As a matter of record fuel payments for over 60s has been cut.I was 60 in April ,I don't receive fuel allowance until next Dec when I will be 61.They have moved the goalposts with this and bus passes , the age for receiving fuel allowance moves every year but has been kept quiet!


If you were born AFTER the 5/1/1951, you will not qualify for it till next year...

And you will have to register a claim for it by 30/03/12, its not an automatic payment.

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Parties do not stand for election. MPs do.




That is technically correct, but my impression is that the vast bulk of the electorate vote for a particular party rather then any individual MP they have an interest in.


This is why we have so much tactical voting and floating voters.

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i am not only concerned with the position of the elderly.

my sympathies are for anyone who is experiencing financial hardship through no fault of their own.

yes i agree the poorer in society should be given the most help.

people have very different ideas about how the system could be fairly operated though.

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Whilst I agree with your statement about the nature of Government, you are missing an important detail. Under FPP, we usually get a majority Government and therefore, we can expect them to implement their manifesto.


We don't have that this time and so, we have the rather unedifying spectacle of two party leader jettisoning pledges and principles. Both Clegg and Cameron campaigned hard on principles which they are now willing to toss away in order to retain power.


And they wonder why people are disillusioned with politics.


I'd suggest that people are disillusioned because they don't understand the nature of coalition government.

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