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Mercy shown to drunken attacker because 'they were not used to drinking'

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Saw this circulating round various news sites and found myself in absolute disgust that these vile human beings have been able to get away with such a horrific attack.


Im just as sickened by the judges ruling!!


And this.......


The four defendants shouted “kill the white slag” as they attacked Rhea Page after dragging her to the ground......................



................But Judge Robert Brown gave them six-month suspended sentences after deciding that the attack in Leicester city centre was not racially motivated.

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Im just as sickened by the judges ruling!!


I posted this not wanting it to turn into another race/religion debate. I'm all for equality as much as the next guy, but it seems there isn't any left for the majority. Vile, disgusting judgement. That judge wants sacking!

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"White bitch" "White slag" is not a racially motivated attack.:huh::huh:.....

They feel they were the victims because he boyfriend tried to help her.:roll::roll:...


It seems race laws don't work both ways in this country.


I actualy laughed when i read that bit but then i remembered what these animals had done. That soon stopped the laughter.

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So how come this gang of Somali youths come into this country, beat somebody to a pulp, get a suspended sentance, probably won't be deported, yet the racist woman on the tram (whose behaviour I am not excusing btw) who only caused hurt feelings since she didn't physically attack anybody, gets remanded and spends Christmas in jail?

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