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Mercy shown to drunken attacker because 'they were not used to drinking'

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It's a bit fanciful to think protests in the streets will erupt from this. Anyway, the country has been browbeaten and people are too afraid to complain about these things, immigration etc without fear of being labelled racist, xenophobic etc.


And of course Labour brought in religious hatred laws which mean you can go to jail for speaking your mind about Islam.


So what you going to do?

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Yet another example of how this country is going down the pan in so many ways...


They should spend time in jail, then deported immediately afterwards following compensation payouts to the victim.


As for the judge saying that her boyfriend used unreasonable force, he needs sacking immediately. What a complete tit.

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The Somalis must have been asylum seekers/successful asylum applicants too, I doubt they got here on a work or student permit. Ironic that they are able to flee the violence in their own country, we give them refuge, a safe haven, then they bring their violent ways to commit against us.



How do you know that?


How do you know they weren't born and raised in the UK?


These girls could be as British as you are.

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Slightly off topic but, I actually feel sorry for a lot of the ethnics in this country.

Not the type like this morons who simply should be severely punished (as they say, hanging's too good for them)


But you do get working ethnic families who contribute to society, but not only do they have to battle against the bigots, their biggest battle is against the judicial system like the report above (all get tarred with same brush) or the PC brigade who make their lives even tougher by speaking up for them when all they do is make things worse for them.


I know a few Muslims, still keep in touch with a couple from school, and they cringe everytime they read or hear about things such as banning the word Christmas as not to upset the other religions.

They shake their heads in disbelief. One of the lads told me that these 'do-gooders' do more harm than good with their stupid comments and set them backwards no end in terms of integration.


But as someone else said, it seems racism is only one way in the authorities eyes. Take the case of the 2 lads who painted a poppy on a mosque, they got served time, yet a group of fanatics can openly burn poppies surrounded by a wall of police protection, and this is what gets up peoples backs!


Genuine ethnics don't stand a chance, and you can thank the PC lot for most of it!


The world needs more people like you.

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So how come this gang of Somali youths come into this country, beat somebody to a pulp, get a suspended sentance, probably won't be deported, yet the racist woman on the tram (whose behaviour I am not excusing btw) who only caused hurt feelings since she didn't physically attack anybody, gets remanded and spends Christmas in jail?


Maybe they never came to this country.


Maybe they were born in this country.

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The fact that you're defending somebody doesn't mean you can use any amount of force you choose; you can only use what is reasonable. How that applies to this case is arguable, since the article does not specify what level of force he actually did use.


As to the sentencing - frankly I'm all in favour of first offenders being made to do useful work instead of being locked up. Up to a point; if this attack was as vicious as the report makes it out to be, we're a long way past that point.


Giving them a good kicking is reasonable force they attacked the lass 3 on to 1 so they deserve a severe beating IMO! it would have served them right if the boyfriend and lost the plot and got them on the floor and stamped on there faces i am sure they wouldn't have been giving it large again.

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