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Will a "Robin Hood" tax ruin everything?

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I think it will.


Are my generation, those that can afford to buy what they want (through hard work), the exotic cars, the designer suits, the big house in the best part of Yorkshire and further afield, to become a thing of the past?


Will this proposed 'rob from the rich to feed the poor' tax quash the very inspiration that produced so many success stories in the 80's? I think so.


Will the children of the 80's be the last generation to be consigned to history as 'the successful generation'? Will todays generation, and those that will follow, never experience the prosperity that those of us from the 80's enjoyed to the hilt? I hope not. :(


What do you think my friends?

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the ones that annoy me the most are the "jumped up nothings" who are are ashamed of their working class roots,and like to look down on other people.

i have nothing against people who have wealth....its pretentious snobbery i don't like.

i know i hav'nt really answered the OP question.i just thought i would make a comment.;)

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It's good to get all the silliness out of the way first.;)


Now. Do you have any opinions about the proposed Robin Hood tax (preferably your own)?


Which proposed "robin hood tax"?


As our PM eloquently stated in the commons at PM's Q's only four weeks ago the number of things supposed to be funded by this tax is now about 40 times the level of what the concept could raise.


Tis a silly thing, and will not happen.


That out of the way, are you saying you really are an arrogant boorish tosser who shows off about his wealth?

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the ones that annoy me the most are the "jumped up nothings" who are are ashamed of their working class roots,and like to look down on other people.

i have nothing against people who have wealth....its pretentious snobbery i don't like.

i know i hav'nt really answered the OP question.i just thought i would make a comment.;)


I agree with your comment Janie, thank you. You seem to have a level head on your shoulders. How would you like to be the first person to answer the OP? :)

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Which proposed "robin hood tax"?


As our PM eloquently stated in the commons at PM's Q's only four weeks ago the number of things supposed to be funded by this tax is now about 40 times the level of what the concept could raise.


Tis a silly thing, and will not happen.


That out of the way, are you saying you really are an arrogant boorish tosser who shows off about his wealth?


Nope, I have never said that, they are your words. I would never call anyone such names as they are offensive and as such against forum rules. If anyone called me such things I would report them to the Mods.


You aren't calling me an arrogant boorish tosser are you andygardener?, not good for business is it?

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:hihi::hihi: Same goes for you, get your witticisms out of your system and come back when you have a reasonable opinion. I won't hold my breath.:)


I wasn't trying to be funny.


Show me some evidence of the chancellor's 'Robin Hood' tax plan.


And it is true that some say Robin Hood wasn't real.


Maybe the tax plan isn't real either.


Maybe this thread is just a pointless trolling vehicle for you.

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