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Most bankers are crooks

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David Cameron for a start



You seem to have a bias against the Conservatives, especially in areas where the Labour Party were proven to be a lot worse. Yesterday you ignored the fact that the party you were blaming for the banking crisis wasn't even in power at the time of it happening, then defended Labour...



Would you like a biscuit, i've just opened a limited edition box of Vinnie's, they sure know about ingredients at Foxes!

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You seem to have a bias against the Conservatives, especially in areas where the Labour Party were proven to be a lot worse. Yesterday you ignored the fact that the party you were blaming for the banking crisis wasn't even in power at the time of it happening, then defended Labour...



Would you like a biscuit, i've just opened a limited edition box of Vinnie's, they sure know about ingredients at Foxes!


The Conservatives just happen to be in power at the moment (albeit with the Lib Dems) so are in the firing line. Trust me, I despise the Labour lot just as much. I'll never forgive them for some of the stunts they pulled, but that's for another thread.


It wouldn't matter who was in power, they're all in bed with the bankers, which is the point.

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I did qualify my statement by saying 'most' rather than 'all.'


Even if, as you say, it is a very small amount of high powered bankers, they have done huge amounts of damage which has brought down the banking system, countries, and in due course Europe and the World.


As for the rest, is selling a huge mortgage to a young couple who will not be able to repay it: negligent, fraud, or simply 'obeying orders'


Would they have done it if there wasn't a bonus in it for them?


You decide.


Bankers don't get a bonus for selling a mortgage. At least not at the bank I worked for. They have to hit sales targets to achieve a bonus by the end of the year.


If an application looks affordable it gets referred to the underwriters and it's there job to stop bad business going through.


Anyway, if a young couple apply for a mortgage that they can't afford to pay for, it's therir own silly fault for getting in a mess in the first place.


The people who work at office and branch level are only following procedures. They get told what they can and can't sell. You can't blame them for doing their job!! They have families and mortgages too you know. A mortgage arrange for a high street bank isn't a super high paid job.

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Exactly what I was thinking. Why is this the salesman's fault for selling and not the purchaser's fault for purchasing?


Yes you have a point. But people have to live somewhere.


It's a long time since I had any dealings with a bank manager and still thought they were nice wise old men who knew what they were doing, gave you good sound advice and wouldn't give out money recklessly. (In my day you had to go down on bended knee to borrow money from a bank.) In other words I would have trusted them to do the right thing, and if they said I could have the money they must think I can afford it. (Naive and immature perhaps but weren't we all at one time, especially when you're young and desparate.)


It's only since this crisis hit that I realised how behind the times I was. Even the whole idea of banks actively selling 'products' was new to me. (I'm old...)Bank people should now come with a statuatory health warning stamped on their heads. 'We do not give advice in the best interests of our clients, but in the interests of our own commision.'

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they're all in bed with the bankers, which is the point.


But so are we!


Shakespeare even wrote about it in Merchant of Venice! But it goes back to way before that...



Those that call for removing the banking system don't realise that we'd need them again in two minutes.


There are people complaining about what the banks did, but no one complained at the time, well, because the banks were doing what the people wanted, lending money, and now that there not, they still complain.



Bonuses are extravagant, but their making the money to pay them out, go figure...

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Bankers don't get a bonus for selling a mortgage. At least not at the bank I worked for.


If an application looks affordable it gets referred to the underwriters and it's there job to stop bad business going through.


Anyway, if a young couple apply for a mortgage that they can't afford to pay for, it's there own silly fault for getting in a mess in the first place.


The people who work at office and branch level are only following procedures. They get told what they can and can't sell. You can't blame them for doing their job!! They have families and mortgages too you know. A mortgage arrange for a high street bank isn't a super high paid job.


Yes, I know. I do feel rather sorry that you get lumped in with the bad lot. It's not personal.

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