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Most bankers are crooks

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I can't give you figures without digging around on the internet, and I haven't time today I'm afraid. But you can always look for yourself.


As a general rule I would say most of them.


David Cameron for a start did a nifty bit of second home flipping, (pure fraud.)

He paid back over £100,000 so they let him off.


Ask yourself, if you worked for the council and robbed it of 100 grand, but then offered to pay it back when you were caught, do you think they'd let you off? Or at the very least would you still be in a job?


As I posted earlier even though we may not agree with some of the expense claims it does not mean any crime was being committed.

Those who were prosecuted will have been proved to have had criminal intent in their actions whilst the others most probably said they forwarded their claims for approval which was given.

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just because they could get their hands on money that seemed to grow on trees...............and now they have found out it doesn't?

I've written this before, but it is important to note. It's hugely abstract but important to understanding this problem.


Money does grow. It is a type of cotton. If it exists on a computer it is even easier to create. Economics is a lot harder to understand.

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But we're not all equal, so that's silly. Some people are lazy and/or stupid, others are hard working and/or talented, so there will always be great disparity in what they earn and own.


If the world's cash were to be distributed evenly overnight, within weeks we'd have wealthy people and guttersnipes as before, things would revert to their natural order.


These people wouldn't get rich by hard work/talent. And people would not become poor for being lazy/stupid.


Some mechanism would be involved, a form of theft. Some men would steal the land from under their fellow man's feet and charge them a rent to work upon the land, to live upon it.


We need to alter the laws on land ownership and bring in a land value tax.


The wealthy will oppose this though, as it is a form of slavery they control and don't want to see go.


Back in the day when a man kept a slave he had to feed and house him. Now the slaves are free, the majority of men (slaves) struggle to feed and house themselves due to the demands of the rentiers (slave owners).

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Way to get everyone on side, accuse anyone who doesn't agree with you of being an uninformed right wing muppet.


Anna didn't accuse everybody of being right wing muppits. She said that the megolomaniacs in charge "depend" on everyone being right wing muppits.


What would Chuck Norris do? Probably live in his huge house, bury his head in the sand and pretend everything was O.K.

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:hihi: Of course most bankers aren't crooks, stop watching these silly TV programs they'll give you nightmares.


Ignorance is bliss! -Or maybe theres a banker here!!

One things for sure, looking at all the posts, no-one thinks bankers are great! :hihi:

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You say in later posts some bankers ruined pension funds.

If their actions were accepted to be provably corrupt and illegal why did not these powerfull pension fund executives demand legal action be taken against them.

I am not defending anyone but I think it is necessary to determine why the laws of the land are not applied to them which is not a matter to be dealt with in a flippant way.


Some people here seem to be confusing "legal" with "Morally right."


Firstly there are numerous examples of ILLIGAL activity that the bankers pulled. The powerfull pension fund executives ARE taking Goldman Sachs to court and demanding legal action but no-one wants to take the case to court. Who is to prosecute Hank poulson and the U.S. government. what organisation is going to prosecute George Bush and bring these charges to light when the courts are as bought off as the politicians? The senate? congress? The U.S. Media?




Adolf Hitler never did anything "illigal." He passed laws to legalise his police state and the extermination of his enemies.


People in government repealed Glass Steigal. They knew the effects but they did it anyway. Recently the NDAA was passed in the U.S. senate and now it is LEGAL to arrest people and torture them without any kind of evidence of trial. Does that make it O.K?


The CRIMINAL bankers are in charge of the laws that enable them to harm everybody else. That simply undermines the morality of the law. If they legalise rape, does that make rape any less of a crime?


It is perfectly legal for our politicians to "borrow" billions of pounds from bankers and give it back to them (or funnel it in to swiss bank accounts). Does it's legality make it any less of a crime? Are we the people really OBLIGED to pay this money back, just because the law says so?

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