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Most bankers are crooks

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Ain't that the truth. The reason 'they' get away with it is that they know the great masses are basically thick - too busy watching X-Factor, TOWIE and Strictly and arranging their payday loans.


But the title of this thread intrigues me. Most bankers are crooks. I presume we're talking of the Fred Goodwins of this world with their chauffeur-driven limos and vast bonuses for being failures. But what about the bank staff? You know, those smiling assassins who for years have been pushing totally unsuitable products, the latest of which were the HSBC financial tools for the elderly?


HSBC insider tells how the elderly became targets as soon as they entered bank


Yes, as well as running radio stations (Ice Ice, Baby!) and singing angelic songs, these people have justified their (non) jobs by fleecing the public.


They're all as culpable.


While I agree with you, I disagree strongly with one point you made.


The masses are not thick. They have the same empathy and love for their fellow humans as we do. They are unfortunately subjected to an extremely sophisticated and scientific propaganda P.R. machine. It isn't suprising that people think the way they do in the face of such mind control. Not everybody has the same ability to filter out B.S. as we do, but many of them are highly intelligent and capable.


They also care about people and have a highly evolved sense of right and wrong. It's just difficult for them to believe their own feelings in the face of such a pervasive ideology that tries continuously to convince them they are wrong.

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Would enough people ever understand to constitute a politcal 'critical mass'?


That's a big assumption. IMO.


'Solving' the issue (to the extent of warranting and obtaining criminal prosecutions, besides other, more regulatory courses of action) would require enough G8/G10/G20 governments with clean hands to tackle it head-on, in a coordinated manner.


My (admittedly very cynical...note to self: must seek professional help) $ says it won't happen.


That's up to you. Make it happen if you believe in it.

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What do you think of the reported one million homes stood empty,largely the fault of certain councils prepared to flatten lots of houses with potential to build new,just because they could get their hands on money that seemed to grow on trees...............and now they have found out it doesn't?


I think they should be brought back into use via a fund to help people do them up to live in. There should be some way to exclude property developers.


There's a move to do just this. TV shows, petitions, etc.


I've never had an answer as to why Sheffield council demolished a load of perfectly servicable council houses on Parson Cross.

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There's a growing number of people who would disagree with you.


Watch the programme and then argue your case.


The programme is two to three years out of date and as ManOfStrad say's it's only a few bankers to blame, not the whole lot.


But people are being whipped up into a frenzy about all of this, yes there are issues, but we've got to move on, striking and rioting will only make things worse.

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They are. They are putting off people who might want to invest money in Sheffield and provide jobs for the unwashed mob who are camping outside the cathederal.


They ARE making a difference. Not in the way you suggest though.


Popular activism is the ONLY thing that makes a difference. Were it not for unions and mass collective action, we would still have slavery, child labour, feudalism.


If people with money do not want to invest in Sheffield because the citizens want a fairer society then we do not want their investment. We do not want neo-feudalism full stop. They are the enemy. They can keep their investment and go and live in their own little selfish world while I co-operate with my friends and neighbours thanks.


Stop cutting their hair,

Stop mowing their lawn,

Stop helping them.


Their philosophy is selfish and OBSOLETE

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No it's not!.............it's the people who are in ultimate power,the bankers are only there to feed a public who have not got the money to buy things they want today.If there had not been a borrowing feeding frenzy over the last three decades,most banks would not exist.

Ween the people off the credit drug then your average banker would have to resort to stacking shelves at Tesco!................and ween the politicians off it too and they can join them!




In an ideal world we would have a democracy but we don't. Voting every four years for this or that branch of the Business party is not a democracy. With all the tools available for spreading information and voting it's an absolute JOKE that this current system is called a democracy.


Minus the rules to protect people from bankers, they can impose poverty, suffering and even war on us. The feeding frenzy you talk of didn't come out of nowhere. It only came about by bankers lending money they didn't have to people who couldn't pay it back in order to enslave them in debt bondage.


The politicians in league with the monetary scientists are manipulating the good faith of the masses to turn them in to slaves. We have no obligation to pay back lenders who made stupid loans.

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I'm sorry, but your statement is not true. I understand where you are coming from, but to say most bankers are crooks is just silly!


There is a very small amount of high powered bankers that could be described as crooks but most comply to procedures and act as they should.


Another group of people who were just complying with procedures were called "NAZI'S" They nearly exterminated an entire race of human beings.


People with over 1 million in the bank know as well as we do that children are starving to death. The procedural legality of their actions does not justify their actions.

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But we're not all equal, so that's silly. Some people are lazy and/or stupid, others are hard working and/or talented, so there will always be great disparity in what they earn and own.


If the world's cash were to be distributed evenly overnight, within weeks we'd have wealthy people and guttersnipes as before, things would revert to their natural order.


Evidence and proof please. What scientific study do you base this on?

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