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Most bankers are crooks

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Have you read the thread because your ignorance is showing here too.


Other way round Spooky. There's only your ignorance showing.


Jobs are being lost in their thousands.

Wages are going down

There's civil unrest all over the place.

Cuts are beginning to affect everyone and will get a lot worse.

Pensions are in serious trouble.

The government is printing money like crazy.

Whole countries are going bankrupt.

Europe is teetering on the brink.


Do you really not want to know why?

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Jobs are being lost in their thousands.


Yes, mainly because the last government overloaded the public sector. No way could this country support 53% of the of the working populous being in the public sector.


Pensions are in serious trouble.


Yes, mainly because the last government sold all the assets which were being used to prop up the pension funds. From gold to school playing fields...


The government is printing money like crazy.

It hasn't borrowed for a year and is now just doing so in a restricted and controlled manner.

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In an ideal world we would have a democracy but we don't. Voting every four years for this or that branch of the Business party is not a democracy. With all the tools available for spreading information and voting it's an absolute JOKE that this current system is called a democracy.


Minus the rules to protect people from bankers, they can impose poverty, suffering and even war on us. The feeding frenzy you talk of didn't come out of nowhere. It only came about by bankers lending money they didn't have to people who couldn't pay it back in order to enslave them in debt bondage.


The politicians in league with the monetary scientists are manipulating the good faith of the masses to turn them in to slaves. We have no obligation to pay back lenders who made stupid loans.

Who forced you to take out the loans, the blame lies everywhere, the greedy public who can't live within their means, the deregulation of the banks, the building societies changing into banks, the ratings agencies. However there was little done that was criminal by the banks, although it was quite immoral as they were making more money on failed lending than good lending.


The biggest problem was Labour bailing them out, they should have let them fail, that's how the market works.

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Of course not. :huh:


Are you trying to appear stupid for a reason?



Why does that question about your reasoning for the purpose of your signature make me sound stupid?


There are generally better ways of achieving things without disobedience.

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Right, we all know and agree about the problems and the causes, but what is the way forward. Sensible and well thought out answers only please.


Paul Krugman gives two here.... taxes on the very rich and taxes on financial transactions.




I would also add Tax Justice:



and the obvious being working towards international regulation of markets and corporations, so they act accountably and responsibly in the interests of not just shareholders but of everyone.

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Paul Krugman gives two here.... taxes on the very rich and taxes on financial transactions.




I would also add Tax Justice:



and the obvious being working towards international regulation of markets and corporations, so they act accountably and responsibly in the interests of not just shareholders but of everyone.


I'll respond later on this one, just fully watching the film, then it's QT... (Only watched bit's yesterday)

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