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Most bankers are crooks

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You seem to have a bias against the Conservatives, especially in areas where the Labour Party were proven to be a lot worse. Yesterday you ignored the fact that the party you were blaming for the banking crisis wasn't even in power at the time of it happening, then defended Labour...


Anna has at no point "blamed" the conservatives for the banking crisis. She has consistently blamed private bankers. Nor has she at any point offered any support for the labour party. The way I read it she has held both political parties "complicit" in the scandal. That is she sees unaccoutable private power as the root couse of the problem and sees our politicians of all stripes unwilling to address the problem.


I must say I heartily agree.

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Right, we all know and agree about the problems and the causes, but what is the way forward. Sensible and well thought out answers only please.


No bonuses for banks bailed out, until all money is paid back with interest. Further deregulation with no further bailouts. Ban of whips in parliament, set budget for all political parties.


All school kids to take a course in living within your means.

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Yes, mainly because the last government overloaded the public sector. No way could this country support 53% of the of the working populous being in the public sector.




Yes, mainly because the last government sold all the assets which were being used to prop up the pension funds. From gold to school playing fields...



It hasn't borrowed for a year and is now just doing so in a restricted and controlled manner.


Oh dear me.... there's none so blind....

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Why does that question about your reasoning for the purpose of your signature make me sound stupid?


There are generally better ways of achieving things without disobedience.


It makes you look stupid because the quotation makes no suggestion otherwise, and you appear to be trying to construct an artifical distracting straw man to avoid something.


Disobedience can be a virtue, and has been a major factor in establishing the political transition from the formal serfdom of archaic and feudalistic power structures. We would not have even got magna Carta without disobedience.

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In an ideal world we would have a democracy but we don't. Voting every four years for this or that branch of the Business party is not a democracy. With all the tools available for spreading information and voting it's an absolute JOKE that this current system is called a democracy.


Minus the rules to protect people from bankers, they can impose poverty, suffering and even war on us. The feeding frenzy you talk of didn't come out of nowhere. It only came about by bankers lending money they didn't have to people who couldn't pay it back in order to enslave them in debt bondage.


The politicians in league with the monetary scientists are manipulating the good faith of the masses to turn them in to slaves. We have no obligation to pay back lenders who made stupid loans.

What you really need to understand sunshine! is that people still have freedom of choice in this country.People only enslave themselves by their own freewill...................oh! what's the point? I need a beer,I used to argue your points when still in short trousers!
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What you really need to understand sunshine! is that people still have freedom of choice in this country.People only enslave themselves by their own freewill...................oh! what's the point? I need a beer,I used to argue your points when still in short trousers!




Hmmm What went wrong!;)

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It makes you look stupid because the quotation makes no suggestion otherwise, and you appear to be trying to construct an artifical distracting straw man to avoid something.



It wasn't avoiding anything, it was clearly a totally separate issue.


Personally, in my opinion, the simple concept of disobedience is stupid without due cause and need. When I say need, I mean will make a difference.

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I'm not sure what that means. There are plenty of places to live without needing to take on excessive debt just because you are offered it.


Really? Where. Usually private rented accomodation costs more than a mortgage. Additionally private rent is dead money as far as the tennant goes with no investment in the future. What is excessive about the amount of debt required to buy a standard three bedroom home? It only becomes excessive when house prices skyrocket because bankers are willing to give mortgage loans to just about anybody, hence the housing bubble.


Tell me, where can you buy a reasonable decent family sized home without paying upwards of four or five years salary?


How else are poor people supposed to get on the housing ladder? Should they just accept their fate and pay rents to rich landlords for their entire working lives only to have their pensions stolen and get kicked out at 65?


Housing is right, not a privellage.

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