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Most bankers are crooks

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Explain and stop simple trolling answers...


"Overloading the public sector" is just politically motivated nonsense. The bankers caught trashing the world economy notice that obviously when the private sector crashed all over the world because they have stopped lending, it looks like public sector spending has increased... So they turn things on their head. Instead of pointing at the obvious immediate reaction to their crisis they point at public sector share of the economy rising and pin the blame there. It is so obvious, yet people so used to kow towing to authority buy it like the suckers buying mortgages they couldn't afford... but with even worse consequences... the scapegoating of the innocent whilst the guilty increase their power and stranglehold over our democracy.

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"Overloading the public sector" is just politically motivated nonsense. The bankers caught trashing the world economy notice that obviously when the private sector crashed all over the world because they have stopped lending, it looks like public sector spending has increased... So they turn things on their head. Instead of pointing at the obvious immediate reaction to their crisis they point at public sector share of the economy rising and pin the blame there. It is so obvious, yet people so used to kow towing to authority buy it like the suckers buying mortgages they couldn't afford... but with even worse consequences... the scapegoating of the innocent whilst the guilty increase their power and stranglehold over our democracy.


So are you saying that a good percentage of the job loses here over the last year weren't public sector jobs?

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It wasn't avoiding anything, it was clearly a totally separate issue.


Personally, in my opinion, the simple concept of disobedience is stupid without due cause and need. When I say need, I mean will make a difference.


Well maybe you should start your own thread then? it is not like my quote is either in conflict with your view,or my own view is in conflict with yours and it also has nothing at all to do with this thread.

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Well maybe you should start your own thread then? it is not like my quote is either in conflict with your view, it is not like our views in conflict and it has nothing at all to do with this thread.


Too pathetic a comment to start a thread of it's own...

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So are you saying that a good percentage of the job loses here over the last year weren't public sector jobs?




How on earth do you jump from what I have said to that :huh:


I didn't even mention this year. Did you even read what I wrote?

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Really? Where. Usually private rented accomodation costs more than a mortgage. Additionally private rent is dead money as far as the tennant goes with no investment in the future. What is excessive about the amount of debt required to buy a standard three bedroom home? It only becomes excessive when house prices skyrocket because bankers are willing to give mortgage loans to just about anybody, hence the housing bubble.


Tell me, where can you buy a reasonable decent family sized home without paying upwards of four or five years salary?


How else are poor people supposed to get on the housing ladder? Should they just accept their fate and pay rents to rich landlords for their entire working lives only to have their pensions stolen and get kicked out at 65?


Housing is right, not a privellage.

Germany is in much better economic circumstances than ourselves,yet most of the population rent and are not gasping to get on the "property ladder"!
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This is true, but all over the world the issue is being highlighted and discussed.


The trouble with protesting 'in the streets' is that your are virtually admitting just how powerless you are in the face of corporate big business, the multinationals and the banks - even governments can only stand up so much to these basically psychopathic immoral people.


You're doing nothing of the kind. You are exorcising the power you do have. On the 12th of december the OWS protestors will shut down every american port on the west coast. That is just a mere FRACTION of the power the people do have. It will cost companies billions in lost revenue. Some of those business owners will begin questioning the government and asking them what they are doing to make the protestors go home. Clearly violent "crack-downs" only make the problem worse. It leads to MORE people on the streets.


If only everybody would stand outside parliament and refuse to move until the government does. One person isn't breaking the law by standing in the streets. A million people aren't breaking the law either, but they can shut down the streets, the ports, the government just by being there.


We should stand there outside parliament and not ask but INSTRUCT the governmet that THEY WILL, investigate the banks for fraud, THEY WILL prosecute criminals and fraudsters, THEY WILL bring the responsibility for issing credit under public control, THEY WILL abolish FIAT MONEY, THEY WILL remove lobbying and big money finance from government AND THEY WILL implement a form of representative democracy that has a democratic output OR ELSE we will KICK THEM OUT.


They only excorsise power because we give it to them. WE are the source of that power. In order to carry the label "LEGITIMATE" they have to do what we say. If they are in fact illigitimate then David Cameron is no longer prime minister, the police officer is not a policeman, Law has no validity and that land you claim is yours is fair game for me to build a house on.


They only have the power of the army and the police as long as we think the system is fair. As soon as we start to waiver and shake, it will get pretty rocky for them up there. They will start to listen this time just like every other time in history.


Readers, don't belive the right wing propaganda on here that tells you protest is futile. They would love that to be true. They literally can't say it often enough.

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