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Most bankers are crooks

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Don't take it so personally, I wasn't really referring to you in the whole, but you do go on kid.



And no, don't hold out for an apology, why would you think you deserved one? What for your sarcasm or little point scoring? Get back on topic!


I go on? You've been here all day woman. :hihi::hihi:


I'm not looking to score points spooky. I'm asking you to be civil and not make unwarranted attacks. I never alled you any names did I?


And if you do manage to stay on topic yourself I think this thread will improve.


So back on topic. How is the film going?

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i go on? You've been here all day woman. :hihi::hihi:


I'm not looking to score points spooky. I'm asking you to be civil and not make unwarranted attacks. I never alled you any names did i?


And if you do manage to stay on topic yourself i think this thread will improve.


So back on topic. How is the film going?


lol ...

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Right, we all know and agree about the problems and the causes, but what is the way forward. Sensible and well thought out answers only please.


1. Bring the issuance of currency under democratic control. Remove the "independance" of the bank of England (who does that serve anyway?).


2. Go over the bankers books with a fine tooth comb. Prosecute the directors of those banks found guilty of accounting fraud. Seize their assets to repay depositors who's money they lost.


3. Abolish british tax havens. Charge foreign companies the difference in tax before they are allowed to operate in the U.K.


4. Ban usuary, the charging of interest on loans.


5. Cease all borrowing against the international bond market. If we need to borrow money we can print it ourselves.


6. Pay off the national debt. Tell the Rothschilds to take a running jump. (Like Hugo Chavez did in Venezuala).


7. Ban the sale/purchase of dodgy derivatives by companies operating in the U.K. (Like they did in Brazil)


8. Print the money needed to get the economy going again. Rather than hand the money over to banks, use it to invest in infrastructure, green energy and social programs (Like they did in Australia).


9. Ban lobbying in politics by powerfull private interests.


10. Impose a cap on wealth. 100% tax rate above a certain profit level.


11. Insist on openness and accountability at the world bank/IMF level. Insist that our representatives broadcast the dialogue of these meetings. Implement a regime of zero privacy at the top of the social heirarchy. You want power? it will cost you your privacy. The more power you have the more intrusive is the surveilance. Don't like it, don't work in politics.


12. Nationalise banking institutions operating in the U.K. break them up so they can never again threaten the fabric of society. Ban banks that have excessive leverage.


Before you all jump down my throat with the argument that rich companies will all move overseas....


GOOD. That will open up the market here for new companies to replace them. The services they offered can be offered by British workers in British companies. Can't sell your cars in Britain because the tax laws are too invasive? GOOD, Selfish greedy tax avoiding corporate slime is not welcome here. British companies will manufacture British cars and sell them to british consumers instead. You want to do business in this market, you play by our rules.


Where does the money come from to start new manufacturing businesses? It comes from the £600bn we found instantly to pay off the bankers. If they have money for banker welfare they have money for investment in jobs.

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What you really need to understand sunshine! is that people still have freedom of choice in this country.People only enslave themselves by their own freewill...................oh! what's the point? I need a beer,I used to argue your points when still in short trousers!


What you need to understand moonbeam, is that people don't actually have freedom of choice. What choice do unborn generations have in the debts that our undemocratic government took out in their name?


What choice do people have when they don't have any money and need to eat or need shelter?


What choice do people have when they need an education and the universities cost a small fortune?


What choice do people have when they are made redundant through no fault of their own and can't afford their mortgage?


What choice do people have when they can't find a non-existant job and are stuck on the dole?


What choice do people have when the oppose both the war in Iraq and the war in Libya, when they reject the necessity of bailing out banks, don't want to be in the E.U. and don't want to loose their liberties to a "war on terror?" Who do those people vote for?




Maybe if you had stuck to your principles when you were wearing short trousers instead of giving up and selling out, your children wouldn't be taking their first steps in to a thousand years of darkness.

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1. Bring the issuance of currency under democratic control. Remove the "independance" of the bank of England (who does that serve anyway?).


2. Go over the bankers books with a fine tooth comb. Prosecute the directors of those banks found guilty of accounting fraud. Seize their assets to repay depositors who's money they lost.


3. Abolish british tax havens. Charge foreign companies the difference in tax before they are allowed to operate in the U.K.


4. Ban usuary, the charging of interest on loans.


5. Cease all borrowing against the international bond market. If we need to borrow money we can print it ourselves.


6. Pay off the national debt. Tell the Rothschilds to take a running jump. (Like Hugo Chavez did in Venezuala).


7. Ban the sale/purchase of dodgy derivatives by companies operating in the U.K. (Like they did in Brazil)


8. Print the money needed to get the economy going again. Rather than hand the money over to banks, use it to invest in infrastructure, green energy and social programs (Like they did in Australia).


9. Ban lobbying in politics by powerfull private interests.


10. Impose a cap on wealth. 100% tax rate above a certain profit level.


11. Insist on openness and accountability at the world bank/IMF level. Insist that our representatives broadcast the dialogue of these meetings. Implement a regime of zero privacy at the top of the social heirarchy. You want power? it will cost you your privacy. The more power you have the more intrusive is the surveilance. Don't like it, don't work in politics.


12. Nationalise banking institutions operating in the U.K. break them up so they can never again threaten the fabric of society. Ban banks that have excessive leverage.


Before you all jump down my throat with the argument that rich companies will all move overseas....


GOOD. That will open up the market here for new companies to replace them. The services they offered can be offered by British workers in British companies. Can't sell your cars in Britain because the tax laws are too invasive? GOOD, Selfish greedy tax avoiding corporate slime is not welcome here. British companies will manufacture British cars and sell them to british consumers instead. You want to do business in this market, you play by our rules.


Where does the money come from to start new manufacturing businesses? It comes from the £600bn we found instantly to pay off the bankers. If they have money for banker welfare they have money for investment in jobs.


Excellent post Ultimatesens.

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Firstly shutting down ports? That's a lot of ordinary working people whose livelihoods you are playing with.


Secondly, you are but a few people, changing the governments policy by forcimg them to do something is about as undemocratic as you can get.


Firstly, those workers and the unions representing them at the ports support the actions of OWS. They too will be out there blockading the port.


Secondly a few people cannot do very much. To shut down a whole port takes thousands of people. For every protestor there are countless sympathisers who have work or childcare commitments and cannot be their themselves.


It's very difficult to get people to stand up, get off the sofa, go out in the cold and take direct action. They wouldn't be able to do it at all unless they had MASSIVE popular support. These people do not want to be cold. They are forced to take matters in to their own hands because they have no other choice. The bankers/politicians have no intention of listening to them. Only through force are the people able to make themselves heard.


This is about as democratic as it gets.

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1. Bring the issuance of currency under democratic control. Remove the "independance" of the bank of England (who does that serve anyway?).


2. Go over the bankers books with a fine tooth comb. Prosecute the directors of those banks found guilty of accounting fraud. Seize their assets to repay depositors who's money they lost.


3. Abolish british tax havens. Charge foreign companies the difference in tax before they are allowed to operate in the U.K.


4. Ban usuary, the charging of interest on loans.


5. Cease all borrowing against the international bond market. If we need to borrow money we can print it ourselves.


6. Pay off the national debt. Tell the Rothschilds to take a running jump. (Like Hugo Chavez did in Venezuala).


7. Ban the sale/purchase of dodgy derivatives by companies operating in the U.K. (Like they did in Brazil)


8. Print the money needed to get the economy going again. Rather than hand the money over to banks, use it to invest in infrastructure, green energy and social programs (Like they did in Australia).


9. Ban lobbying in politics by powerfull private interests.


10. Impose a cap on wealth. 100% tax rate above a certain profit level.


11. Insist on openness and accountability at the world bank/IMF level. Insist that our representatives broadcast the dialogue of these meetings. Implement a regime of zero privacy at the top of the social heirarchy. You want power? it will cost you your privacy. The more power you have the more intrusive is the surveilance. Don't like it, don't work in politics.


12. Nationalise banking institutions operating in the U.K. break them up so they can never again threaten the fabric of society. Ban banks that have excessive leverage.


Before you all jump down my throat with the argument that rich companies will all move overseas....


GOOD. That will open up the market here for new companies to replace them. The services they offered can be offered by British workers in British companies. Can't sell your cars in Britain because the tax laws are too invasive? GOOD, Selfish greedy tax avoiding corporate slime is not welcome here. British companies will manufacture British cars and sell them to british consumers instead. You want to do business in this market, you play by our rules.


Where does the money come from to start new manufacturing businesses? It comes from the £600bn we found instantly to pay off the bankers. If they have money for banker welfare they have money for investment in jobs.


Ok, I think you need to study economics and as for point 10 who would take the risk and do all the hard work to set up and run these businesses that suddenly magicly appear? There will be no reward for doing so. Your policies would take us back to the 19th century.


I dont want this, so start a political party and have a manifesto with all your idealistic crap in and then we can choose to vote for you if we so wish. That's democracy!

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Firstly, those workers and the unions representing them at the ports support the actions of OWS. They too will be out there blockading the port.


Secondly a few people cannot do very much. To shut down a whole port takes thousands of people. For every protestor there are countless sympathisers who have work or childcare commitments and cannot be their themselves.


It's very difficult to get people to stand up, get off the sofa, go out in the cold and take direct action. They wouldn't be able to do it at all unless they had MASSIVE popular support. These people do not want to be cold. They are forced to take matters in to their own hands because they have no other choice. The bankers/politicians have no intention of listening to them. Only through force are the people able to make themselves heard.


This is about as democratic as it gets.


So a few thousand represent the millions of Americans. You are deluded and the unioms do not support the shutdown. Google it, I'm on the phone so can't link. And bullying legitimate businesses is not democratic!

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