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Most bankers are crooks

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which law have they broken?


They deliberately lied about the risk and viability of certain investments to boost sales, knowing full well they were about to fail. They sold their own investments and used the money to set up schemes to profit from the failures.

Unfortunately a lot of our pension funds were invested in them and we took a massive hit, (that's the real reason our pension funds can no longer afford to pay out.


Just one example.

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You've missed the point entirely.

I never mentioned the Labour government, or the conservatives other than to mention David Cameron as this week's liar. Brown / Labour are every bit as bad.


The bankers were in power before, during and after the start of the crisis, and having been proved corrupt and/or innept the programme clearly showed they now hold some of the highest positions in the land.


Make no mistake, it's clearly the bankers who are in power.


However Anna, I never saw, and have still never seen a single post in here from anyone who was complaining about their house value vastly increasing during this build up; up to threefold in only a decade, in most cases.




The people [experts] that said they didn't see it coming were either inept or liars.


Whether it was coincidence that Labour were in power or not, I don't really care. I know Tory would have done exactly the same thing, because borrowing and spending was high, at that's what keeps our system going (ultimately to fail at some point).


I can find posts from myself when I first joined here that commented on house prices being out of control. When money is flowing - people aren't bothered by realistic pessimistic people like me :hihi:

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However Anna, I never saw, and have still never seen a single post in here from anyone who was complaining about their house value vastly increasing during this build up; up to threefold in only a decade, in most cases.




The people [experts] that said they didn't see it coming were either inept or liars.


Whether it was coincidence that Labour were in power or not, I don't really care. I know Tory would have done exactly the same thing, because borrowing and spending was high, at that's what keeps our system going (ultimately to fail at some point).


I can find posts from myself when I first joined here that commented on house prices being out of control. When money is flowing - people aren't bothered by realistic pessimistic people like me :hihi:


House prices rising was something of an illusion anyway.


If the house you were going to buy was rising at the same rate as the one you were selling then there would be no real profit.


I was always surprised people couldn't see that.

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Be a responsible owner, have your chav chipped and neutered.... PLEASE


Anna B.


Thank you for sharing with the community the information you have found regarding rampant banking fraud.


Please do not waste your time arguing with people like andyofborg. Clearly he has no interest in reading or learning anything.


When presented with an entire feature length film that lays out the evidence implicating bankers and prominent U.S. politicians were engaged in widespread fraud amongst other things, rather than watch the film, or do anything else to help humanity, andyofborg asks: "where's the evidence?" thus proving he hasn't even watched the film.


Yet of course andyofborg still has an opinion on it.


Certain people have no interest in learning about history or facts. Consequently these people look to us, like they where born yesterday. They try and have opinions about things because they think it makes them look intelligent and smart when they can argue with someone else who is well read and smart themselves.


To other people who have no interest in learning facts for themselves this can be quite convincing, but to anyone who is intelligent and worth talking to, they just look like idiots and simpletons.


It's VERY easy to take at face value the propaganda put forth by the very criminals that this film seeks to expose. It requires no creative thinking whatsoever and there are always plenty of people out there who will share your opinion because they too do not do any homework.


On the other hand exposing corruption is hard and very frightening. I applaud you for trying to do that.


I have quoted andyofborgs signature here to illustrate that in this particular case this person is also quite sick in the head. He clearly thinks it is acceptable and funny to request that people forcibly sterilise other human beings like they were dogs or some other kind of animal. With this statement (which Andy thinks is so funny it follows every post he makes) he is proving to the whole world that he has little if any conscience, he has no empathy or respect for other people and the sanctity of human life. He views humans like they are animals to be controlled by others (like him).


My suggestion is that you stop wasting your time trying to convince people like that. Share the information that you have with others but don't get dragged in to pointless arguments with idiots because that is distracting you from making a real difference. Ignore people like andyofborg.


More on topic...


I obviously agree most bankers are crooks.


I think it is clear to most people now that the system is hopelessly corrupt beyond repair. We cannot sit and wait for the bankers and politicians in charge to build us the fair and honest system. They are simply not going to do that. We have to make it for ourselves. If you really want to do something about banker corruption I suggest the following...


if you do know of any examples of fraud or corruption at your workplace then you should get evidence and expose it ASAP.


You should develop strong bonds with other people who share your opinion and start trading with them and working with them "off grid".


If you know any bankers or politicians (or people like andyofborg), refuse to do business with them. Don't cut their hair, mow their lawn or sell them groceries.


If you have time you might want to join with other people and protest outside bankers houses.


Quit your job and refuse to pay any tax.


Write to your M.P. and formally withdraw your consent to be governed.


If media companies are spewing propaganda or bile, turn off the T.V. and stop buying the papers. (all the best stuff can be found online anyway...


watch-movies-az DOT com/movie/inside_job_(2010) )


Also finally If you think quitting your job and withdrawing consent to be governed is taking things a little too far then simply google "national defence authorization act" and you will soon change your mind in a hurry.


All the best.





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House prices rising was something of an illusion anyway.


If the house you were going to buy was rising at the same rate as the one you were selling then there would be no real profit.


I was always surprised people couldn't see that.


I think that's the first time you've ever responded to a post of mine. Let me gasp some breath first. :D




House prices rising was something of an illusion anyway.


Since the entire crisis can almost certainly be put down to property/pricing/lending... it strikes me as a nonchalant stance, to use wording like 'illusion' when discussing housing prices/values.


If the house you were going to buy was rising at the same rate as the one you were selling then there would be no real profit.


... yes... when you are already on the housing ladder. In this case it would be an illusion, however, the crisis didn't occur from people already on the housing ladder.


I was always surprised people couldn't see that.


I'm always surprised people can't understand what I wrote either.

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Anna B.


Thank you for sharing with the community the information you have found regarding rampant banking fraud.


Please do not waste your time arguing with people like andyofborg. Clearly he has no interest in reading or learning anything.


When presented with an entire feature length film that lays out the evidence implicating bankers and prominent U.S. politicians were engaged in widespread fraud amongst other things, rather than watch the film, or do anything else to help humanity, andyofborg asks: "where's the evidence?" thus proving he hasn't even watched the film.


Yet of course andyofborg still has an opinion on it.


Certain people have no interest in learning about history or facts. Consequently these people look to us, like they where born yesterday. They try and have opinions about things because they think it makes them look intelligent and smart when they can argue with someone else who is well read and smart themselves.


To other people who have no interest in learning facts for themselves this can be quite convincing, but to anyone who is intelligent and worth talking to, they just look like idiots and simpletons.


It's VERY easy to take at face value the propaganda put forth by the very criminals that this film seeks to expose. It requires no creative thinking whatsoever and there are always plenty of people out there who will share your opinion because they too do not do any homework.


On the other hand exposing corruption is hard and very frightening. I applaud you for trying to do that.


I have quoted andyofborgs signature here to illustrate that in this particular case this person is also quite sick in the head. He clearly thinks it is acceptable and funny to request that people forcibly sterilise other human beings like they were dogs or some other kind of animal. With this statement (which Andy thinks is so funny it follows every post he makes) he is proving to the whole world that he has little if any conscience, he has no empathy or respect for other people and the sanctity of human life. He views humans like they are animals to be controlled by others (like him).


My suggestion is that you stop wasting your time trying to convince people like that. Share the information that you have with others but don't get dragged in to pointless arguments with idiots because that is distracting you from making a real difference. Ignore people like andyofborg.


More on topic...


I obviously agree most bankers are crooks.


I think it is clear to most people now that the system is hopelessly corrupt beyond repair. We cannot sit and wait for the bankers and politicians in charge to build us the fair and honest system. They are simply not going to do that. We have to make it for ourselves. If you really want to do something about banker corruption I suggest the following...


if you do know of any examples of fraud or corruption at your workplace then you should get evidence and expose it ASAP.


You should develop strong bonds with other people who share your opinion and start trading with them and working with them "off grid".


If you know any bankers or politicians (or people like andyofborg), refuse to do business with them. Don't cut their hair, mow their lawn or sell them groceries.


If you have time you might want to join with other people and protest outside bankers houses.


Quit your job and refuse to pay any tax.


Write to your M.P. and formally withdraw your consent to be governed.


If media companies are spewing propaganda or bile, turn off the T.V. and stop buying the papers. (all the best stuff can be found online anyway watch-movies-az DOT com/movie/inside_job_(2010)


Also finally If you think quitting your job and withdrawing consent to be governed is taking things a little too far then simply google "national defence authorization act" and you will soon change your mind.


All the best.






An interesting post, thanks.


It amazes me how hard some people are to reach. I suppose the truth is scarey and a lot easier to ignore. But never has it been so important for ordinary people to put up a united front, and knowledge is power so I will continue to try to raise awareness.


It's interesting to see the effect of the government's own scaremongering, with the huge drop in consumer spending this Christmas which has all but done for some businesses, but governments can't have it both ways. Either we're up to our neck in debt and mustn't spend a penny more than we can afford or we aren't. They are making cutbacks and so are we. But look at the effect we, the people, have had on trade. I'm not saying it's a good thing or even intentional, but applied to banks it could have a big effect if we all work together.


Interestingly, in Australia they've taken a different approach. Instead of giving millions to banks, they've given the money to ordinary Australian people on the proviso they go out and spend it, and it's worked. The Australian economy is not in recession in fact it's one of the strongest in the world.


I want to see this country survive and prosper and will happily work to that effect. But I hate what it has become, governed by a rich, apallingly self-interested elite. I want to see a return to true democracy, and an equal sharing of resources throughout the world. There is enough to go round for everyone as long as we don't let the bankers hoover it all up.

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Since the entire crisis can almost certainly be put down to property/pricing/lending...


Property pricing and lending were factors under the control of bankers. They (the bankers) chose to lend to people with no money for shot term personal gain.


A banks job is to assess risk. If I walk in to a bank and ask for a million pound loan to bet on the horses an honest banker would obviously be a fool to lend to me.


A dishonest banker wouldn't care. He would get a nice big massive bonus because of the new million pound asset he's created for the bank out of thin air. When the bank he works for collapses (as many have), he doesnt care, he's already made his money and probably moved on to a cushy job working for a regulator.


The whole system falls apart when banks start lending money they don't have to people who can't afford to pay it back. Tricking other people in to buying all the "risk" in "securitized derivatives" amounts to fraud. It's also more fraudulent when credit rating agencies go along with the "CONSPIRACY" by giving junk derivatives an AAA rating.


It's out right TREASON, when governments go along with bankers calls for "deregulation" at the expense of the people they are supposed to be protecting as Labour and the U.S. politicians did (although I'm sure the conservatives would have too if they were in authority). Clearly the governments are not acting on behalf of the people.


Why stop at "deregulating" banking? Why not go on to "deregulate" murder or even rape?


Those laws existed to protect us from the banks. What did they (the politicians) expect to happen if they removed them.


Don't be fooled in to thinking this economic collapse is an accident.

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I think that's the first time you've ever responded to a post of mine. Let me gasp some breath first. :D






Since the entire crisis can almost certainly be put down to property/pricing/lending... it strikes me as a nonchalant stance, to use wording like 'illusion' when discussing housing prices/values.




... yes... when you are already on the housing ladder. In this case it would be an illusion, however, the crisis didn't occur from people already on the housing ladder.




I'm always surprised people can't understand what I wrote either.


Hi ash,

Yes you're right, I was thinking more of people already on the ladder, not first time buyers. I didn't mean to give offence. As usual the people at the bottom are the ones to getting shafted. I also suspect that they figure quite highly in the figures for repossessions through no fault of their own.

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An interesting post, thanks.


It amazes me how hard some people are to reach. I suppose the truth is scarey and a lot easier to ignore. But never has it been so important for ordinary people to put up a united front, and knowledge is power so I will continue to try to raise awareness.


It's interesting to see the effect of the government's own scaremongering, with the huge drop in consumer spending this Christmas which has all but done for some businesses, but governments can't have it both ways. Either we're up to our neck in debt and mustn't spend a penny more than we can afford or we aren't. They are making cutbacks and so are we. But look at the effect we, the people, have had on trade. I'm not saying it's a good thing or even intentional, but applied to banks it could have a big effect if we all work together.


Interestingly, in Australia they've taken a different approach. Instead of giving millions to banks, they've given the money to ordinary Australian people on the proviso they go out and spend it, and it's worked. The Australian economy is not in recession in fact it's one of the strongest in the world.


I want to see this country survive and prosper and will happily work to that effect. But I hate what it has become, governed by a rich, apallingly self-interested elite. I want to see a return to true democracy, and an equal sharing of resources throughout the world. There is enough to go round for everyone as long as we don't let the bankers hoover it all up.


People are working together now more than ever. You mentioned OWS. Last I heard they had persuaded millions of people to transfer over $4.5 billion in to credit unions. Given the fractional reserve system we use, that will have cost the banks at least ten times that. On the 12th of December, OWS intends to shut down every port on the west coast. That will be billions more that the rich will lose.


The problem is that the banks are scheduled to pull another coup de'tat against our government and force them to hand over billions more in bailouts/welfare, undoing all OWS's hard work.


We need to let our government know that we would prefer banks to collapse in true free market style. We will not tolerate being driven in to debt slavery by corrupt politicians making shady back room deals that supposedly put us all in debt to the banks.


Better still. Lets go over the books with a microscope, We find any fraud in Goldman Sachs whatsoever, we sieze all their assets and add it to the public purse. Send the crooks to prison for breaking the law and put the "risk" back on Goldmans books. These companies are all bankrupt anyway.


Trouble is our politicians have no balls. They are all on the Goldman payroll.

They are happily borrowing in our name to give welfare to bankrupt banks.

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