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Most bankers are crooks

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You say in later posts some bankers ruined pension funds.

If their actions were accepted to be provably corrupt and illegal why did not these powerfull pension fund executives demand legal action be taken against them.

I am not defending anyone but I think it is necessary to determine why the laws of the land are not applied to them which is not a matter to be dealt with in a flippant way.


You might also ask why more MP's weren't jailed for expenses fraud when they clearly broke the law. And Why Baroness Urdan is now happily back in the house of Lords, having been proved to have stolen £100,000, and still not paid it back.

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You might also ask why more MP's weren't jailed for expenses fraud when they clearly broke the law. And Why Baroness Urdan is now happily back in the house of Lords, having been proved to have stolen £100,000, and still not paid it back.

I think many MPs were not prosecuted because their defence was that they had not intentionally committed any criminal acts and that their expenses had been forwarded for scrutiny and approval.

If as you quote there was evidence of corrupt actions and they were made public I wonder if these actions were actually illegal.

As I said before I am not defending anyone but if it is correct that these people are proven to be above the law this is an isuue which needs addressing.

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If you're still wondering what those wierd people are doing outside Sheffield Cathedral, watch 'Inside Job' BBC2 9.0pm. On now!


I'm sorry, but your statement is not true. I understand where you are coming from, but to say most bankers are crooks is just silly!


There is a very small amount of high powered bankers that could be described as crooks but most comply to procedures and act as they should.

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Economic rent is vast. Unemployment rates of 50% can still yield very favourable conditions for the rich.


But the executions and robberies that result, not necessarily because of 'thieves', moreso the disparity in wealth, nobody wants them!


Man lives best as an equal.


If he creams off the wealth of everyone else, then he will need guards!

But we're not all equal, so that's silly. Some people are lazy and/or stupid, others are hard working and/or talented, so there will always be great disparity in what they earn and own.


If the world's cash were to be distributed evenly overnight, within weeks we'd have wealthy people and guttersnipes as before, things would revert to their natural order.

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I'm sorry, but your statement is not true. I understand where you are coming from, but to say most bankers are crooks is just silly!


There is a very small amount of high powered bankers that could be described as crooks but most comply to procedures and act as they should.


I did qualify my statement by saying 'most' rather than 'all.'


Even if, as you say, it is a very small amount of high powered bankers, they have done huge amounts of damage which has brought down the banking system, countries, and in due course Europe and the World.


As for the rest, is selling a huge mortgage to a young couple who will not be able to repay it: negligent, fraud, or simply 'obeying orders'


Would they have done it if there wasn't a bonus in it for them?


You decide.

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I think I've just about heard it all now.


You are suggesting it was perfectly reasonable to lend out 300%+ of deposits?


Banks are not supposed to lend out more than 100% minus whatever is needed for capital reserve requirements.


You described the cause of the pyramid scheme failure well though. All such schemes fail once there is no more money to be fed in.


No, I'm suggesting that the amount it lent wasn't the reason for it's failure, it was the nature of the way it financed it's lending.

You have to read what's been written, not just make something up!

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Which ones actually broke the law and weren't prosecuted? Genuine question..


I can't give you figures without digging around on the internet, and I haven't time today I'm afraid. But you can always look for yourself.


As a general rule I would say most of them.


David Cameron for a start did a nifty bit of second home flipping, (pure fraud.)

He paid back over £100,000 so they let him off.


Ask yourself, if you worked for the council and robbed it of 100 grand, but then offered to pay it back when you were caught, do you think they'd let you off? Or at the very least would you still be in a job?

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