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Europe - in or out?

Europe - in or out?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Europe - in or out?

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So you're suggesting that every American voter needs to take a test on world affairs before he or she be allowed to vote? You don't know us very well do you. That was Britain's problem in 1776.


If you knew so much about world affairs why did you get involved in Vietnam?

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The Wall Street Dow dropped over 200 points today because after yet another meeting the EU still hasn't come up with a solution to fix the Euro deficit crisis.


Harleyman, had you entered into a single currency with Nigaragua, Mexico and Honduras without polical and fiscal union would you think the New Dollar would be a stable currency in the long term?


No. The Euro is screwed, it can't be fixed because it was a atupid idea in the first place. We'll all suffer as a result, but what we need to focus on is minimising British suffering, as you need to minimise US suffering. No hard feelings about that but Britain is not going to put one pound more into this hard landing than is necessary, nor do we expect the US to put one dollar more than neccessary.

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If you knew so much about world affairs why did you get involved in Vietnam?



Hello ! Ever heard of the Domino Theory during the Cold War or are the only dominoes you know about those little square black things with white spots on them that old people play with down at the seniors centre :D

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Harleyman, had you entered into a single currency with Nigaragua, Mexico and Honduras without polical and fiscal union would you think the New Dollar would be a stable currency in the long term?


No. The Euro is screwed, it can't be fixed because it was a atupid idea in the first place. We'll all suffer as a result, but what we need to focus on is minimising British suffering, as you need to minimise US suffering. No hard feelings about that but Britain is not going to put one pound more into this hard landing than is necessary, nor do we expect the US to put one dollar more than neccessary.



You wish and so do I but the UK and the US are going to more than likely help bail out the mess. The alternative is even worse economic chaos and possibly widespread civil unrest across Europe and the US economy ending up in dire straits


There's no going back to the Deutchmark, the Franc, the Lira or the Drachma. We're all stuck with the Euro and it's current problems whether we like it or not.

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You're arguing that the British people should not be allowed to have a referendum on our relationship with the EU

We had one. In 1975.


Do we have to keep having them every 30 years or so?



You could make the same argument about Yorkshire and London though. But we manage just fine with a crazy system of a single currency despite the differences in the economy between the two.

A difference in wealth is not the same as a difference in economy.


Does Dore have a different economy than Darnall?



Hello ! Ever heard of the Domino Theory during the Cold War or are the only dominoes you know about those little square black things with white spots on them that old people play with down at the seniors centre :D

De-classified Vietnam-era Transcripts Show Senators Knew Gulf Of Tonkin Was A Staged False Flag Event


Arms manufacturers did very well out of Vietnam.


Vietnam War veterans fight Agent Orange profiteers


And as U.S. Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler said:


"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."


If you want to know why the Vietnam war was fought, follow the money....

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