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Europe - in or out?

Europe - in or out?  

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  1. 1. Europe - in or out?

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We had one. In 1975.


Do we have to keep having them every 30 years or so?




A difference in wealth is not the same as a difference in economy.


Does Dore have a different economy than Darnall?




De-classified Vietnam-era Transcripts Show Senators Knew Gulf Of Tonkin Was A Staged False Flag Event


Arms manufacturers did very well out of Vietnam.


Vietnam War veterans fight Agent Orange profiteers


And as U.S. Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler said:




If you want to know why the Vietnam war was fought, follow the money....



You're talking to someone who served in Vietnam, October 1967 -October 1968.

I ran across some of these so called Agent Orange vets later on. Most of them were frauds. Never served a day in Nam but parading in miliitary surplus boony hats and combat greens they''d bought in stores. It was huge joke !


Dont arms manufactureres reap big profits in any war? How many scooped up a few million during 1939-45?

They must have broken out the champagne the day Chamberlain declared war on Germany

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Out, absolutely no doubt about that. Daft idea from the start made worse by blatant corruption.


There are a few positive points though. It would be good if we could still retain relaxed passport control and no customs charges on personal purchases. Some of the health and environmental regulations are also fairly sensible. Negatives far outweigh these, and we don't want to be involved when the whole thing collapses in the near future.

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You're talking to someone who served in Vietnam, October 1967 -October 1968.

I ran across some of these so called Agent Orange vets later on. Most of them were frauds. Never served a day in Nam but parading in miliitary surplus boony hats and combat greens they''d bought in stores. It was huge joke !


Dont arms manufactureres reap big profits in any war? How many scooped up a few million during 1939-45?

They must have broken out the champagne the day Chamberlain declared war on Germany




The Americans are the only ones who do well out of wars. We had to pay for their help in WW2. We borrowed from them and then spent it in their arms factories and on our own war effort. It's only 2006 we finished paying it off. We paid back nearly 3 times what we borrowed. Germany may still be paying.


In Iraq they mopped up all the oil companies and gave the reconstruction projects to themselves and charged Iraq for the privilege.


No doubt Afghanistan will get the bill for their current troubles. Once the mineral wealth is unlocked they'll be able to pay back the US.



As far as Europe is concerned I am



In - Economically


Out - Politically

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I do try to understand it all, really I do, but the more I read about it, the more I feel like a proper Homer Simpson. For instance, can someone explain in simple terms, the reasoning behind Italy providing £23.5bn to the IMF, to bail out..........Italy.... cos my brain hurts.:confused:

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That is not a long-term option, however, as far as the EU is concerned.


I know it's not one of their options but it's the option that suits me best. I like the idea of the single currency and no border controls once I get across the channel. It's very convenient if you travel a lot around Europe.


But, I don't want this country to be manipulated and disadvantaged by a political system designed by the French and Germans for the benefit of the French and Germans.

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I know it's not one of their options but it's the option that suits me best. I like the idea of the single currency and no border controls once I get across the channel. It's very convenient if you travel a lot around Europe.


But, I don't want this country to be manipulated and disadvantaged by a political system designed by the French and Germans for the benefit of the French and Germans.


well mate, its one with the other, or out of the nut house.

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I do try to understand it all, really I do, but the more I read about it, the more I feel like a proper Homer Simpson. For instance, can someone explain in simple terms, the reasoning behind Italy providing £23.5bn to the IMF, to bail out..........Italy.... cos my brain hurts.:confused:




As I understand it all the Euro countries are promising to put money into an IMF bailout find for Euro countries if they have to. It's a sort of guarantee to chip in if required but they don't actually have to stump up the cash now.


Separate to that is the Euro countries trying to borrow money on the open finance markets. They raise money by selling bonds. The problem is that if you add up all the Euro countries trying to sell bonds to raise money it comes to about £26bn a WEEK. Their problem is who wants to buy Eurozone debt and who has got that kind of money every week.


Italy is a financial basket case of its own making. Italy, like the UK, has been selling bonds for years to prop up its public sector and their big issue at the moment is that just as they need to borrow even more next year they have to pay back a load they borrowed earlier. They have to pay back £300bn in interest next year when they are already borrowing £650bn a year to keep their public sector going. They already owe £2.2 Trillion. As a result their interest rates have already gone up to 7%


It makes our problems look relatively small borrowing £200bn a year and only owing £1 Trillion. That's partly why people keep lending to us because we are not as bad a risk as Italy, Greece etc. But, we have to pay back what we owe and we have to pray people will carry on lending it to us. Coz if not..........................it doesn't bear thinking about.


Remember Labour's plan is to follow Italy down the road of even more massive borrowings.


Hope that helps and I am open to corrections if I got any of it wrong.

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well mate, its one with the other, or out of the nut house.




Whilst I am very much in favour of Europe I am increasingly of the opinion that we should depart if only to try and embarrass the wretched bureauprats into sorting themselves out and getting a grip on economic reality.


Europe has become like a party where the hosts and some of the guests have got so drunk and out of control we should just tip toe away and leave them to it.

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Dont arms manufactureres reap big profits in any war? How many scooped up a few million during 1939-45?

They must have broken out the champagne the day Chamberlain declared war on Germany


I suppose they were in the USA because they turned up late again and were free to sell arms to who they wanted from 1939 to the end of 1941.

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