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How long does it take to heal a broken hand?

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i broke my hand about 6-7 weeks ago and its still really sore, does anyone know how long they take to heal? i didnt get it put in a plaster cus they said there was nothing they can really do for it just taped my fingers up for a week and that was it... but SERIOUSLY should it still hurt so much after that long????? PLS help........

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yes they x-rayed it and said there was nothing they can do (right handed and have 2 kids to see to aswell), yes its still a bit lumped up but obvioulsy not as bad as it was, as wen i did it, it was really bruised all my knuckles and my palm was. but its still really painfull sometimes and im sure it should be ok by now.....

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yes they x-rayed it and said there was nothing they can do (right handed and have 2 kids to see to aswell), yes its still a bit lumped up but obvioulsy not as bad as it was, as wen i did it, it was really bruised all my knuckles and my palm was. but its still really painfull sometimes and im sure it should be ok by now.....

Patience is the key to this Tana. Like nubile, I was eager; it put me back weeks. Use this as an opportunity for getting used to doing things with your left hand. You will become more balanced, and a better person.

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I broke my elbow in 2 places earlier this year. They told me it would take 6-8 weeks to get better, at 6weeks I started having some physio to get it working asap (through Westfield). This really made a difference and within 10 weeks I was completely fine.

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I broke my finger playing Subbuteo Extreme. It was my fault, I shouldn't have "flicked to kick". It was a bit embarrassing because it was an away match and the sudden pain of breaking my finger caused me to lose my balance (I was kneeling at the time) and I went and crushed my mate's grandstand, several spectators and his star centre-forward. He's never invited me back since.


I went to the Hallamshire first off and they said they don't do "emergencies" any more so I had to get a taxi to the Northern General. I asked for an ambulance but they said they were all busy.


On arrival at the Northern General I waited 2 hours to see someone. Actually, that's not true. Within 5 minutes of checking in a nurse saw me, but all she said was, 'we'll get a doctor to see you', and that was the bit that took 2 hours. From their perspective though, I was seen within 5 minutes - that's good for their stats I think.


Anyhow the doctor wasn't very sympathetic. He asked me what I did for a living and did it involve using my fingers much. I told him I drove a white van and so yes, I used one or two of them all the time, to gesture at other motorists.


He just bandaged the damaged finger to the one next to it and told me to rest it for a while and to take some paracetamol if the pain was troubling me. That was it.


6 weeks later the swelling had nearly all gone but it still felt stiff and a bit uncomfortable. I think the thing that helped me most of all was getting myself a Sooty glove puppet and wiggling them fingers everyday to get them working again. But, yes, it can take a long time to heal.

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yes they x-rayed it and said there was nothing they can do (right handed and have 2 kids to see to aswell), yes its still a bit lumped up but obvioulsy not as bad as it was, as wen i did it, it was really bruised all my knuckles and my palm was. but its still really painfull sometimes and im sure it should be ok by now.....


Go back and ask your GP if it's still a problem.

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