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Is there a career to be had in..

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that's odd isn't it?


A phone call, out of the blue, about a line of work you know nothing about? Or is this something you have been pursuing? In which case I imagine you already know something about it?


The bottom line I guess is that there is a career in just about anything really. Like the guy who drives around in truck offering a mobile toilet unblocking business - with the slogan, "Your s*** is our business".


The bigger questions are do you want to do this kind of work? do you know what it involves? where it is based? what hours are expected? how you will be paid? when you will be paid? how secure is the organisation that you would be working for? what is the working environment like? I'd worry about that if I were you, before getting around to wondering what the career prospects are like. Because if you can't satisfactorily answer those questions there won't be any career structure anyhow.


I think you're dressing this up a bit to be honest. This sounds like a job working in a telephone call centre, phoning people up to try and recover money. Only you can decide whether that is worth devoting your time to and whether you'd enjoy it.

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I responded to an advert on the radio, it does sound like you mention in your last paragraph, but I'm wondering if anyone has done it before and enjoyed it?


Well good luck with it anyhow. If you decide to try it.


I'm sure there will be people on here that have done this kind of work. I've no experience of it myself but I have heard of others who've done something similar.


My understanding is that you will be in an office with a lot of others, wearing a set of headphones and answering the phone continuously whilst sat at a computer terminal. The hours are usually very long, with only the legal minimum break times allowed. So expect a morning and afternoon break of 10mins or so and 30 mins for lunch - with no more than 4 hours continuous in any one stretch.


You will be expected to be successful in reducing debts owed to the company. You may be given monthly, weekly or daily targets to achieve. You may even be given a target for some specific accounts who are major debtors. If you cannot demonstrate successful reduction of debts you will be fired. Fair enough I suppose? If the job is about debt reduction and you aren't achieving it then you're making it worse by being there!


Anyhow, it's ok asking other folks what they think, but that really isn't important. Only you know yourself. Only you know whether you would be happy to sit in a room doing this all day. Some people are of course - but it's not like being a telephone receptionist where you get breaks between calls where you can chat to your colleagues or read a newspaper. It's intense phone calling, non-stop, and you have to produce results from it.


I always think the life-style bit is more important than the job - so if you think you could cope with this kind of work then go for it!

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It sounds like the stuff more than a few companies are involved in:

Loaning money to those less well off citizens that can't borrow money from High Street banks because of poor credit history etc. If I'm right, this is sub-prime lending.

Debt negotiation is, therefore, phone-calling and door-knocking to negotiate a payment or two against the outstanding debt. Anyone in this business will work the hours that catch people at home.

I have worked with (NOT for) one of the more reputable of these companies and there definitely a "career" in it and progression opportunities (managing other door knockers). In the past, the job would have been called "debt collector" with the connotation of a bruiser with a Rottweiler knocking on doors.

I met one or two very nice grannies doing the job, surprisingly but they all had a firmness and look-you-in-the-eye quality. Not all are suited to such work.

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