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Anyone go to All Saints school?


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  • 3 weeks later...
my nephews both went to All Saints around then did you know them Craig and Karl Rogerson?


i went to both all saints and sacred heart with craig and karl although karl was a year above me and craig was in the same year as my brother,they might remember me Ryan mackenzie.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...
No one is calling him that at all as far as I know, least of all myself. Don't be too quick to judge. As much as I have been told I still have respect for a man that was kind, non-judgemental, aspiring and a good example to me when I was at All Saints. As much in what he may have done, I could not take away from him what a gentelman he was in the many years I and my friends were at All Saints. One bad action does not wipe away a good soul.


I was at All Saints 76 to 83 I think. or was it 84. Too many years ago I know that. Had some fab times there. Does anyone remember the little bedsit flat in the cooking/needlework building? Don't know if it was ever used. And Father Kinsella? He turned out to be not what he was supposed to:o



I left in ‘78. I Remember Fr Kinsella being a top bloke. Very different to your usual priest at the time. As far as I know the Powers That Be shipped him off back off to Ireland for being a naughty boy. Also remember :

Warren -PE - cruel sadistic psycho. Horrible man. Harrison and Mullooly - Maths, preferred Scratcher Harrison though Mullolly was ok. Salt - TD and Woodwork, nice friendly teacher. Tracy - French, another psychopath who took great pleasure in hitting kids - very hard! Miss Healy - French, my all time favourite. Hated French but loved Miss Healy. A real hotty she was. I heard Mr Robinson - art (smoothy with a Spitfire sports car) was giving her one. Hated the bloke for it. Mrs Fitzpatrick - I think science, was a total nut job. Liked her though. Hudson - History, used to look like someone straight out of the history books. He also always had a rucksack over his shoulder. Murphy - English, easy going bloke who helped me a lot. Ward-Drummond (Ms) - English, another hotty who all the boys fancied. Gott - Physics, another nice bloke who had a lot of time for me.

I also remember Taffy the caretaker. What fruitcake he was. Total nutter who wouldn’t last two minutes working in a school nowadays. But then that goes for a lot of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So - memories...


French - Mr Watkin, Ms George, Mr Lally

English - Shakespeare (McGowan), Ms Justice (Mr Justice's newly qualified daughter - fleeting visit!), Ms Armitage, Ms Osbourne - she rocked!

Mr Melia, Ms Stainrod, Ms McGill, Mr Mullooly, Mr Warren, Mr Holmes, Mr McManus, Mrs (blonde hair in PE), Mrs (Scottish pe) - Wilbourne), Mr Justice, Mr Strong, Mr Griffith, Mr Murphy, Mr (RE can't remember his name - big frightening guy)...Mr Halpin, Mr Brennan, Mrs Kennedy,


Struggling here - can't remember geography...mmm...memories!


I remember all these names (including the newly qualified Ms Justice) She was my form tutor in year 7. I did feel a bit sorry for her. Was the blonde haired PE teacher called Mrs Harp?

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I left in ‘78. I Remember Fr Kinsella being a top bloke. Very different to your usual priest at the time. As far as I know the Powers That Be shipped him off back off to Ireland for being a naughty boy. Also remember :

Warren -PE - cruel sadistic psycho. Horrible man. Harrison and Mullooly - Maths, preferred Scratcher Harrison though Mullolly was ok. Salt - TD and Woodwork, nice friendly teacher. Tracy - French, another psychopath who took great pleasure in hitting kids - very hard! Miss Healy - French, my all time favourite. Hated French but loved Miss Healy. A real hotty she was. I heard Mr Robinson - art (smoothy with a Spitfire sports car) was giving her one. Hated the bloke for it. Mrs Fitzpatrick - I think science, was a total nut job. Liked her though. Hudson - History, used to look like someone straight out of the history books. He also always had a rucksack over his shoulder. Murphy - English, easy going bloke who helped me a lot. Ward-Drummond (Ms) - English, another hotty who all the boys fancied. Gott - Physics, another nice bloke who had a lot of time for me.

I also remember Taffy the caretaker. What fruitcake he was. Total nutter who wouldn’t last two minutes working in a school nowadays. But then that goes for a lot of them.


Kinsella was a top bloke but for the wrong reasons. If you dig deep enough on the net you might find why he was sent to Sheffield from Ireland in 1973.

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  • 1 year later...
On 29/03/2006 at 14:38, Liose said:

Yes..Sallie - I remember Mr Mitchell extremely well...He came to France with our group (in the first year trips)...He got drunk one night and ended up falling asleep in the girls toilets and frightening them all to death when he grunted!!!


Ironically, I ended up getting on really well with him in the later years before he died (I think when i was in 4th/5th year)...


Mr Mahon was the RE teacher - yes...he was great and I believe he is now in the same school as Sean Murphy!

I was on a school trip to france might have been 1991 and recall mr Mitchell drunk.

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On 13/09/2007 at 20:41, playman44 said:

I left in 1970 the PE teacher was warren then, an evil B****** Fitzpatrick was headmaster with Tom Kelly deputy, harrison was also the maths teacher back then, Hawksworth was metalwork, Salt taught technical drawing, i used to run against seb coe in the cross country meetings with other schools and beat him more times than not.

The only lad who could have beaten Seb Coe in the 1966 to 1971 St Paul's intake was Glen Ford. You must have been the era before him then.  Glen Ford was the only lad who could beat me at St Paul's. I used to train on Sunday mornings down at the Hillsborough track with the Hallamshire Harriers with Seb Coe, and John and Sheila Sherwood. (Olympians) Just tne four of us trained by 'old Joe'.  Mr Warren took me under his wing as my personal trainer.  Pushed me hard for the future. Became good friends in later years long after I had left. Great mentor

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  • 2 years later...

I went to St Paul's, De La Salle and All Saints in all its guises 1974-80.

Best bits...

Maria Walker

Mrs Ward Drummond
Miss Atkinson

School trips to Wimbledon; Jesus Christ Superstar (Palace Theatre, London); Spain Summer Camp by Minibus; Football Tours to Bochum

Stephen Percival literally being held by his ankles out of a first floor window by mad French teacher!
A bizarre re-union of some Years 1 and 2 ( modern day 7 and 8 ) from St Pauls, De La Salle and Notre Dame in Lower 6 (modern day Yaer 11)

Worst bits...
Majority of the girls heading to Notre Dame for year 3, 4, 5 ( modern day 9, 10 ,11 )
All the boys heading to De La Salle for years 3, 4, 5.


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