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Iranian display Drone

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But it wasn't in the news several go, in fact yesterday was the first I had heard of it and I only heard of it from the BBC website.


It was, maybe you just missed it.


Be careful about the flag, it's actually supposed to be an insult (what else is new), so don't know how your friend would take it. It shows the red and white stripes and skulls where the stars representing the states should be. It's plastic looking and reminds me of a Halloween decoration. It also has what's probably anti-American blather written across it in farsi, which I can't read. I should get my Iranian neighbor to translate for me! She's such a sweetheart she'll probably refuse to do it just to spare my feelings! I don't know why I want one, I just do. But I'm strange and like weird things, so.


The translations are on the BBC website, IIRC it says something like we shall stamp on the Americans or something.

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The US have admitted they lost one and Iran didn't crash it they ' gained control and brought it to the ground'.


The US has confirmed the loss with some crap about the drone getting lost. The Iranians probably didn't gain control of the thing but the Chinese very probably did.

For those who don't know, Iran and China are about as stuck together as a pair of mating frogs. China controls a massive chunk of Iranian oil and Iran depends on their cash and trade.


Back to the technology. The Iranians will get what the Chinese engineers who rip it apart will get. That's all the yanks best kept secrets in that section of their technology.

China has a habit of reverse engineering anything it wants from tablet computers to top secret US aircraft.





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My dental hygenist is a young very well educated Iranian woman. She goes back to visit family still in Iran on a regular basis. She told me that the Iranian government is absolutely corrupt, that millions earned from oil exports have been stashed away in Swiss bank accounts and the ordinary Iranians seen very little if any of the benefits that should have been theirs.

That tells me that the Mullahs have already seen the writing on the wall. It;s only a matter of time before the Iranian rulers go the way of the Egyptians, the Libyans and soon to be Syrian leader Assad

I dont think the yelling anti-American hordes seen in the streets are in any way representative of how the majority of Iranians feel about the US and the western world as a whole. Any dictator can gather together a bunch of rabble to reinforce his particular anti-this and ant-that views but it's empty and worthless and proves nothing in the end.

Look at all the pro-Ghadaffi supporters who were yelling and shouting support when the war with the Libyan rebels started. Where are they all now?

The Iranians come from a very ancient and civilized culture and I'm sure its only a matter of time before they get rid of the fanatics and numpties now running the country

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The US has confirmed the loss with some crap about the drone getting lost. The Iranians probably didn't gain control of the thing but the Chinese very probably did.

For those who don't know, Iran and China are about as stuck together as a pair of mating frogs. China controls a massive chunk of Iranian oil and Iran depends on their cash and trade.


Back to the technology. The Iranians will get what the Chinese engineers who rip it apart will get. That's all the yanks best kept secrets in that section of their technology.

China has a habit of reverse engineering anything it wants from tablet computers to top secret US aircraft.






The Chinese are doing exactly the same thing as the Japanese did after WW2 copy cat engineering. Silicone Valley in California was and for all I know still is full of Chinese spies.

What they still dont know however is to engineer technology to enable the technology they've stolen to become rapidly obsolete and replace it with something new, completely different and far more advanced.

They havent yet learned to play the game of technology leap frog in so many words

In a year or two from now that drone they captured will only be good as a museum exhibit..

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Then they will trade the details with China


There'll be copies in Chinese shops soon:D.


No nation on Earth can compete with the USA in electronics, and it is useless to try.


Most of the worlds micro-chips are built in the "far east".


Surely they have more proof besides this.


Like none existent WMD in Iraq?


The Chinese are doing exactly the same thing as the Japanese did after WW2 copy cat engineering.


They also go that one stage further and improve the technology/reliability of whatever it is they are reverse engineering.


It's really not that big a deal, TBH, and comes with the territory of a free market economy.

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The Chinese are doing exactly the same thing as the Japanese did after WW2 copy cat engineering. Silicone Valley in California was and for all I know still is full of Chinese spies.

What they still dont know however is to engineer technology to enable the technology they've stolen to become rapidly obsolete and replace it with something new, completely different and far more advanced.

They havent yet learned to play the game of technology leap frog in so many words

In a year or two from now that drone they captured will only be good as a museum exhibit..


In any case, aren't drones supposed to be expendable? I read somewhere that 1/3 of US drones have been lost, crashed etc. Why would they put top secrets in something that had a good chance of not returning?


And I'm kind of leery of anything the Chinese "reverse engineer". Can you really, truly understand how something works by taking it apart and trying to copy it?


I sure hope the stuff they make for themselves is better than the stuff they send over here. Just around the house, we've had lights burn out, circuits boards fry, and a blower motor for a furnace burn out. A neighbor who owns a machine shop said chinese steel just disintegrates. He said he's never seen anything like it.


I couldn't believe the accident with the chinese bullet trains this summer. They stole technology from the Japanese, but neglected to put in the safety system. After the inevitable catastrophe, they tried to blame the Japanese, who have had not a single fatality on their bullet trains for "faulty" design. Of all things to leave out! They didn't think they'd need the safety system? Or did the one they reverse engineered malfunction? :confused::help:

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Not sure if serious.


It was a serious comment amid the constant propaganda that we are fed.


Some of the latest propaganda is how Iran is seeking material for Nuclear detonators, which is odd as its not necessary to use one.


In order for Iran to have any nuclear strike capability it would need at the very least several bombs to gain any advantage as after firing the first one Iran would be obliterated by Israel and/or its allies. At the current rate of enrichment it will take many years to get enough enriched uranium to make just one bomb so the bomb scenario is just scare tactics.


Iraq was invade on the pretext of stopping their WMD and as we now know the didn't have any. As Iraq is no longer on the agenda and the oil fields are safe Iran will be the next target.

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The US has confirmed the loss with some crap about the drone getting lost. The Iranians probably didn't gain control of the thing but the Chinese very probably did.

For those who don't know, Iran and China are about as stuck together as a pair of mating frogs. China controls a massive chunk of Iranian oil and Iran depends on their cash and trade.


Back to the technology. The Iranians will get what the Chinese engineers who rip it apart will get. That's all the yanks best kept secrets in that section of their technology.

China has a habit of reverse engineering anything it wants from tablet computers to top secret US aircraft.






Didn't Israel sell US secrets to China a while ago ?






US technology goes to North Korea via Israel






China got the secrets of U.S. F16 fighter, and J-10C bomber via Israel :






Israel; with an ally like that, who needs enemies ? :cool:

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