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No more free bus passes at 60 years old!

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It impacts on the cost of provision in the first place.

Do the staff not have better things to do than issue bus passes with all the relevant work it entails.


You have to apply for one - they aren't issued automatically. I doubt the very wealthy even think about using public transport. ;)

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My mate just turned 60 years old. He does not get his free bus pass until 2013! That just is not fair! Other people got it at 60 years old! Why should the new people who reach 60 have to wait? There is plenty of spare places on the buses !


And why exactly should my taxes pay for your mate to get free travel on buses?


Some people ... take, take, take all the time isn't it!?

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I'm ok then, I use mine at least 4 or 5 times every week. ;)


As our pensions are only a little bit above what we'd get if we were on full pension credit, I actually feel entitled. I've calculated that if my OH and I had no pensions over and above our state pensions, and if we lived in rented accommodation, we'd be getting more from the government than we actually have coming in. Pension + full credit + council tax benefit + housing benefit + free dental treatment + free glasses. :o


Women of my age didn't get home responsibilities NI credits - so I missed out for the years I was at home with the children. We also had to pay contributions for a longer time than people only a couple of years younger than us in order to qualify for a full state pension. A full pension is payable now after 30 years of NI contributions, but for me it was 39 and for men of my age it was 44 years.


We've been shafted by the introduction of means tested 'pension credit' instead of increasing basic pensions to a reasonable amount. So on behalf of pensioners who did try to help themselves just a little bit, please leave our travel passes alone.


Thank You!


Hear, hear! I carried on paying NI until I'd got the right number of years to get a full pension - then they went and changed it!!


I won't get my bus pass until I'm 62 - by then, I'll probably need it, 'cos the hill to the shops just keeps getting steeper and steeper. I could get the bus, but it'd cost me something like £1.30 - to go 4 stops!

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And why exactly should my taxes pay for your mate to get free travel on buses?


Some people ... take, take, take all the time isn't it!?


I have paid for my own bus pass through my own taxes thanks. The taxes that I paid were levied at a level that would give me such things by right. To remove them now is daylight robbery. Nothing more, nothing less. But then the ancestors of the bitty boys were thieves, so we should expect it.

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Hear, hear! I carried on paying NI until I'd got the right number of years to get a full pension - then they went and changed it!!


I won't get my bus pass until I'm 62 - by then, I'll probably need it, 'cos the hill to the shops just keeps getting steeper and steeper. I could get the bus, but it'd cost me something like £1.30 - to go 4 stops!


The hill keeps getting steeper and steeper?:huh:

Is your area of Sheffield prone to earthquakes?:roll::):o

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And why exactly should my taxes pay for your mate to get free travel on buses?


Some people ... take, take, take all the time isn't it!?


Because what goes round comes around and we paid taxes to subsidise stuff when we were working as well and don't forget, most of us that are already using bus passes, were working from 14 and 15 anyway. ........

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It's not some sort of inalienable right is it. You did hear on the news that we as a country are short of cash right?


Is Cameron and his family short of money?

Is Clegg the dreg and his family short of money?

Are the bankers who caused the recession short of money?

Are the politicians who did not see it coming short of money?

I think NOT!

Make the rich pay....THEY CAUSED IT.....IT IS THEIR PROBLEM!


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