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No more free bus passes at 60 years old!

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It impacts on the cost of provision in the first place.

Do the staff not have better things to do than issue bus passes with all the relevant work it entails.


Not much point really if you want to take passes off people.They are not issued they have to be applied for.

I guess the Queen and many others have not applied for one,but I would like to see you try to take it from her.

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I have paid for my own bus pass through my own taxes thanks. The taxes that I paid were levied at a level that would give me such things by right. To remove them now is daylight robbery. Nothing more, nothing less. But then the ancestors of the bitty boys were thieves, so we should expect it.


The taxes you paid at the time were to pay for the country at the time, nothing was put aside for your future bus pass.

So you're saying that because other people got it, you should get it, even though the country is broke and needs to save money. It's just selfish really.

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Is Cameron and his family short of money?

Is Clegg the dreg and his family short of money?

Are the bankers who caused the recession short of money?

Are the politicians who did not see it coming short of money?

I think NOT!

Make the rich pay....THEY CAUSED IT.....IT IS THEIR PROBLEM!



They already pay far more tax than you.

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I don't understand this thread. Has the OP just arrived in this country? Have they not read the papers/web or watched the television or read the SF? This policy has been in existence for a couple of years now. What more is the state expected to do fo us, remind us to go to the loo or brush our teeth maybe?

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I don't understand this thread. Has the OP just arrived in this country? Have they not read the papers/web or watched the television or read the SF? This policy has been in existence for a couple of years now. What more is the state expected to do fo us, remind us to go to the loo or brush our teeth maybe?


No. The state should reverse the decision about bus passes. If other people got a free bus pass at 60, I, who have worked for many years and paid taxes should get the same.

As for the country being skint, I would suggest confiscating all inherited wealth and using it to pay the debt.

This is an excellent two pronged action as it:-


1/ Creates true equality which everyone should strive for

2/ Gets rid of our debt at a stroke by using money that people never earned themselves, so it was never truly theirs.


This would be a master stroke for a go ahead nation!:cool:

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The taxes you paid at the time were to pay for the country at the time, nothing was put aside for your future bus pass.

So you're saying that because other people got it, you should get it, even though the country is broke and needs to save money. It's just selfish really.


The age for eligibility is going up just as the pension age is. This reflects the expected increase in people living longer. There has been loads of publicity about it, so its surprising that people in the affected age group aren't aware.


My generation of baby boomers don't all have substantial extra pensions, there are many of us with just a wee bit of an extra income which we thought might enhance our retirements. We were wrong! IMO travel passes make up a little bit for our lack of decent state pensions.


Of course if the government wish to give us all a flat rate state pension of £140+ I'll relinquish my bus pass. ;)

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The age for eligibility is going up just as the pension age is. This reflects the expected increase in people living longer. There has been loads of publicity about it, so its surprising that people in the affected age group aren't aware.


My generation of baby boomers don't all have substantial extra pensions, there are many of us with just a wee bit of an extra income which we thought might enhance our retirements. We were wrong! IMO travel passes make up a little bit for our lack of decent state pensions.


Of course if the government wish to give us all a flat rate state pension of £140+ I'll relinquish my bus pass. ;)



They will give you a state pension of £140+ only when they have increased the pension age to 88.

You will get a free bus pass when you are 101 and free prescriptions when you are 126.:mad:

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They already pay far more tax than you.


You are a caad and no mistake.

That is a good one.

When have the rich ever paid tax?


As a self employed man you should know that.

When did a self employed man last have a holiday?

Answer, Never.

That is because all holidays are classed as business trips and written off against tax.

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You are a caad and no mistake.

That is a good one.

When have the rich ever paid tax?


As a self employed man you should know that.

When did a self employed man last have a holiday?

Answer, Never.

That is because all holidays are classed as business trips and written off against tax.


I wish. For most of the time we were bringing up our children my OH was self employed. I remember one holiday when he drove us to the east coast for a week in a caravan. He worked the Saturday and Sunday evenings, then came to stay Mon-Fri, worked Friday evening then took us home Saturday, after which he was off working again. Most of our holidays were taken cheaply, staying with relatives in Scotland. I think you're imagining everyone who is self employed makes a fortune. They don't.

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